Germany: "return advertisement letters" to Greece

German Asylum Service (BAMF) systematically sending out frightening “return advertisement letters” to asylum seekers who hold a protection status from Greece

Last update : February 2025

Since the beginning of February 2025 more and more people contact us terrified by letters of the German BAMF that offer “support” for returns to Greece to people who have already received documents (international protection) in Greece before applying for asylum in Germany. The letters very often come in a yellow envelope just as the asylum decisions, thus, creating confusion and stress to the recipients. They seem to be now systematically sent to everybody within the German asylum procedure, who already holds asylum status in Greece.

The letters are starting with the following sentences:
“You have already applied for asylum in Greece and were granted protection there. At a later date, you have applied for asylum again in Germany. As you have already been granted protection in another EU country, this application will most likely be rejected or deemed inadmissible by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. This means that you have no long-term prospects of remaining in Germany. In contrast, this is the case for you in Greece.”

We would like to share some information about these letters in order to take away the fear. Please once you read this, spread the information to friends and others.

  1. These letters are NO return decisions to Greece. They are also NO asylum decisions!
  2. You are NOT obliged to answer this letter or answer the questionnaire.
  3. You can ignore these letters, without any legal consequences. Even if there is a deadline to answer the questionnaire, participation is voluntary. It has NO effects on your further asylum procedure if you don’t answer.
  4. The BAMF wants to spread fear with these letters and gives you the impression that you have no chance of staying in Germany and that a “voluntary” return to Greece is therefore the best option. This is wrong!. You don’t need to be scared!The letter is advertising a support program for refugees in Greece called Helios+. This program has only started a few days ago, only a small part of the refugees living in Greece can benefit from this program. It does not offer accommodation and so far it is completely unclear who will be eligible for this program.
  5. The questionnaire helps to check whether a person would be eligible to receive help under this program IF returned or going back to Greece.
  6. There seems to be another program funded by the EU Commission. This program is supposed to offer four months of accommodation with free food, after which participants can take part in HELIOS+. It is not known how many places the program offers or who can participate. So far the few people who tried to register for this program because they really wanted to return to Greece were rejected and told that they can not participate in this program.
  7. In general, the current political situation in Germany is frightening and a lot of racist propaganda is shared by politicians and others. As persons who are many years active in refugee support and solidarity as well as legal advice, we can assure you that most announced plans for new policies and laws concerning refugees in Greece that you may read in the news won’t be possible to be implemented.
  8. In order to fight the fear together and know your rights, proper information needs to be shared. Don’t let them win by making you afraid!

Some more concrete information about these letters and the procedures for people who came to Germany with a protection status from Greece:

The German Asylum Service (BAMF) in this letter informs you that they know that you had a protection status in Greece before and emphasizes that while in Greece you were already safe, in Germany you have very little chances to get a positive decision.

According to law, if someone holds already a protection status from Greece, their asylum application in Germany legally could be rejected as inadmissible by the BAMF. Then a return decision to Greece would be issued and you can appeal in front of an administrative court against such a negative decision within one week.

It is true that many young, single men with documents in Greece are currently receiving such a deportation notice from the BAMF. In these cases, there may indeed be a threat of deportation to Greece. In all other cases – especially families with children – most German courts say that a deportation to Greece is prohibited.

It is very important to seek independent, individual advice. If you should receive a deportation notice from the BAMF, you must react quickly and file an appeal at court within one week. Counselling services near your place of residence can help you with this and also put you in touch with lawyers.

Meanwhile, what we observe since last summer (2024) is that many asylum procedures in Germany (at the BAMF) of those with asylum from Greece have been frozen and decisions haven’t been issued claiming that the situation in Greece has to be reassessed.

At the same time, some German courts have changed their mind now ruling in most of the cases of single young healthy men that they could return to Greece, while still considering the situation in Greece to be too difficult to return any vulnerable persons, families with children, women, sick persons etc.

Thus, the above described letter gives a false idea that everybody has very low chances to stay in Germany. Yes, the situation has become more difficult, but do not get scared!

Despite this fact, it is very important that you check your post regularly as long as you are still in the asylum procedure in Germany. In case you or any friends would receive return decisions, contact immediately a counseling service or a specialized lawyer to be able to appeal within the deadlines.

Inform friends who were also in Greece and are now in Germany about this as well.