
Last update : May 2018

Information about unaccompanied minors and victims of human trafficking

Survival manual for unaccompanied minors and their guardians in cooperation with Melting Pot Europa Project - Italian version (May 2020)

  • The new law on unaccompanied foreign children calls a series of measures including:

a) the prohibition of rejection at the borders;
b) an interview with the presence of a cultural mediator and organisations or associations to protect minors’ rights;
c) the verification of minority, mainly carried out by checking the passport or travel document; (if you have it); only in case of doubt the control will be carried out through a multidisciplinary assessment and in any case you will have the possibility of appeal on the assessment results with your lawyer
d) the identification of the child only after immediate humanitarian assistance;
e) the issue by the police headquarter (questura) of a residence permit for minor age (valid until coming of age) even if you don’t have a legal guardian (tutore) or for family reasons.
f) the right to appoint/name a legal advisor and benefit from free legal aid (gratuito patrocinio) in any stage of the legal actions;
g) the inclusion in SPRAR centres (protection system for asylum seekers and refugees, see paragraph 3.2)
even unaccompanied minors who have not yet applied for asylum;
h) the right to have a legal guardian (tutore) who will be your legal representative;
i) the right to get free medical care and to attend school.

If you are a minor, it is very important that you give your date of birth correctly. If you give a wrong date of birth you have the right to change it, but it is better to ask a lawyer or an association for help. If you are a minor and you are placed in an reception centre for adults you can apply to be moved to a centre for minors.

If you are a victim of human trafficking, forced prostitution or begging or if you feel you are exposed
to pressures after your arrival in Italy, you have the right to report it to the local authorities and you have
the right to be included in special support and assistance programme.
This programme is also planned for unaccompanied and separated foreign children, victims of
human trafficking, who, according to new law, will benefit from a specific programme of
assistance that will support them even after the age of 18.

WARNING! do not spread or publish (for example through facebook) your photos, information
and data if you do not want to be tracked by people who can hurt you and put you in danger.
Victims of human trafficking may apply for a specific permit of stay (social protection - article 18)
For any need and help contact the NATIONAL ANTI-TRAFFICKING FREE NUMBER 800290290
and contact the associations of the city you are now

Contacts for minors:

- Terre des Hommes Via M. M. Boiardo 6, Milano phone 02 28970418 email: info@tdhitaly.org

- Save the Children Via Volturno, 58 Roma phone 064807001 email: info.italia@savethechildren.org

- Blog in Italian language that takes care of unaccompanied children, with various information and rules on minor refugees in Italy: http://minoristranierinonaccompagnati.blogspot.com/