
Legal and practical information on asylum

Last update : April 2023

Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding asylum in Slovenia. In case you have an urgent question please write it to Info Kolpa

I. Submission of the application for the refugee status

Two types of international protection exist in Slovenia: asylum (refugee status according to Geneva Convention) and subsidiary protection (according to EU law). When you apply for asylum, you automatically apply for both types, and the state decides which one to grant you.

1. For which reasons can I ask for international protection/asylum?
Persecution for reasons of race, nationality, religion, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion (those are the reasons as contained in the Geneva Convention and the Slovenian International Protection Act).

Persecution means that your human rights were severely violated in your country of origin; either by one single action, which was of extreme gravity or by repeating acts. Different activities are relevant, for example, physical, psychological, sexual violence, discriminatory judicial, or administrative measures. Persecution should be performed by state organs, such as police, army, state officials, etc. If you claim that you were persecuted by non-state actors (for example neighbors), you need to prove that you tried to get protection from state institutions, but your state cannot or does not want to protect you.

Even if you were not persecuted and you do not fulfill the conditions for refugee status recognition, you can be still granted a subsidiary protection status. If there exists a real risk that upon your return to the country of origin, you would suffer serious harm. Such as death penalty, execution, torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, the severe and individual threat to a civilian’s life or person because of indiscriminate violence in situations of international or internal armed conflict.

1.a What are no reasons for asylum?
If you came to Slovenia to find a job, to find a better life, to study at university, to play football. These matters are something to discuss with friends, employers, teachers, and football-trainers, NOT during the asylum-interview!

1.b How do I start the asylum procedure?
To start the asylum procedure (in which the representatives of the state will define whether refugee status or subsidiary protection), you need to file an asylum claim. In Slovenia, you must first show intent to file an asylum claim. You can do that at any official state institution (asylum home, municipality, court, police station) by going to an official person and stating that you want to file an asylum claim, that you are being persecuted and are looking for protection. The official person must then call the police, which is according to law supposed to take you to the Asylum Home, where you can start the asylum procedure. You must clearly state that you want to seek asylum / international protection/refugee status in Slovenia.

Since 2018, Slovenian police have been breaking the law and illegally deporting migrants back to Croatia, even in instances when they have asked for asylum. Read more in the section Pushbacks.

No evidence of a person being pushed back from the Asylum Home. The best option is to come directly to the Asylum Home and ask for asylum.

The address is:
Azilni dom Vič
Cesta v gorice 15
1000 Ljubljana

Another idea would be to call the police (the emergency number is 113 or 112). Then clearly state to police about your location and your will to claim asylum. You should say that you are persecuted and want protection.
IMPORTANT! It does not guarantee that the police will not illegally push you back into Croatia! But it might help, since all the emergency number calls are recorded, therefore your intent to file an asylum claim has been recorded. If you state where you are on the call, the police will come and pick you up and take you to the police station. There they will ask you about your route - how have you come to Slovenia, they will take your fingerprints and your data. You need to state clearly again that you want to file for international protection, asylum, or that you are persecuted and want to claim international protection in Slovenia. Further on, you can try to explain that there is a recorded call on emergency number, where you have demonstrated your claim for asylum. And the police now have to take you to the Asylum Home.

2. What does the procedure of submission of asylum application look like – what will I be asked?

The procedure for the submission of asylum applications will start in the Asylum Home. For the first few days, you will be accommodated in the closed unit of the Asylum Home. After the medical overview, they will take your photo and fingerprints to check them in the EURODAC database.

Unaccompanied minors are given a legal representative at the start of the procedure, which is then present at all stages of the process.

Every migrant is entitled to get legal help and information before the start of the asylum procedure by a legal non-governmental organization called Pravno-informacijski center (PIC). PIC provides migrants with information on their rights and obligations and asylum procedure free of charge. Be sure to seek out a representative of PIC and ask whatever questions come to mind. PIC runs an office inside of the camp. Call: +386 51 681 181, every day from 9:00 to 14:00.

After the medical examination, photos and fingerprinting, you will start the asylum procedure with the first interview. It will be conducted by an “inspector” from the Ministry of Interior Affairs. You will have to give your data such as your name, address, employment, family members if you belong to a political party, etc. You must name your family members correctly. Especially if you might have the chance later to bring your family (wife or husband, children under 18 years old) to join you in Slovenia.

In the second part, the questions will refer to the specific course of your travel from your country of origin to Slovenia and which countries you have passed. Then you have to state reasons, why you left your country and if you were ever persecuted for reasons of race, nationality, religion, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. You must describe precisely and in detail all the events that relate to the reasons why you left your country. The Ministry Inspector might ask you more questions or not.

You must tell your story precisely, and you should be careful about things you remember well. You must describe in detail what type of persecution happened to you. For example, if you were imprisoned, beaten, tell when and where, by whom, how did you leave the country, why is your life at stake if you would be returned to your country. The credibility of your story is of crucial importance for the success of your application. You have to tell your story with lots of details and with exact dates of any events that caused you to leave your country.

3. Why will the authorities retake my fingerprints, if they already took them at the police station?
In the Asylum Home, the fingerprints are taken from the persons that ask for international protection, even if police took fingerprints earlier at the police station. The fingerprints are saved in two different databases. Rejecting the taking of fingerprints can be a reason that your request for international protection will be rejected in a speedy procedure. Fingerprints are taken from persons older than 14.

4. What will they do with my fingerprints?
In Asylum Home Ljubljana, the fingerprints are taken to execute the Dublin Regulation. It is an act that determines which country is responsible for your application. Fingerprints will be entered into the computer base EURODAC, from which it is evident if you already applied for asylum in another EU member state.

If you did, Slovenia might not consider your application (depending on when you asked for asylum in another country and how the procedure ended). You will be sent to the country that is responsible for considering your application. In such a case, you must explain everything that happened to you in that EU member state. For example, they wanted to return you to beatings, imprisonment, homelessness, drug addiction, lack of medical support, push backs. It is also important to mention, if you were before a victim of shipwreck or if you had other terrible experiences on your way. It can be important when you say all relatives in Slovenia - even if they are aunts, nephews, cousins – when you need them or they need you, this might be another reason not to deport, according to Dublin.

This Dublin Regulation is also enforced in other EU countries. If you leave Slovenia after the submission of your asylum application for another EU Member State (and to Norway, Island, Switzerland, Liechtenstein) and ask for asylum there you will be returned to Slovenia, to end the procedure. Arbitrary leave from the Asylum home and Slovenia will be considered as an abuse of the procedure, and your chances to obtain the status will be reduced. Fingerprints in the computer base EURODAC are kept for ten years.

5. Why will they take a picture of me?
You will receive an identification card for asylum seekers with a personal photo. You will use this card to prove your identity.

6. Informing – who will notify me and about what?
You will be informed by the representative of a non-governmental organization (PIC) or by an inspector, with the help of the interpreter, about the course of the procedure, rights and obligations of the asylum seekers, deadlines, …

7. Can I change my mind and not apply for asylum?
You can. In that case, you will write a statement that you do not want to ask for asylum and why, and you will submit this statement to the official (inspector) in Asylum Home Ljubljana.

8. Will I be allowed to return home on my own, or to continue my way to where I want if I do not ask for asylum?
If you entered Slovenia illegally, the answer is no. Inspector will call the police, which takes you to the detention center in Postojna, from where you will be returned to your home country. If you entered Slovenia via Croatia, you would be given to Croatian police and most likely illegally pushed back into Bosnia or Serbia (see more in the section Pushbacks).

You might also have to pay a fine of 250 euro for illegally crossing the border if you have this money in your possession (cash).

9. What will happen with my fingerprints if I do not ask for asylum? Will the fingerprints which were taken at the police station be “erased”?
If you do not ask for asylum, the fingerprints that were taken from you in the Asylum Home are not be used (no entry into the EURODAC base). The fingerprints taken from you at the police station because of the illegal crossing of the border are not erased and kept in the database for two years.

10. I decided to apply for asylum. Why am I being asked if I already applied for asylum somewhere else, if this is evident from the EURODAC base?
It is essential for the assessment of your credibility. Not being truthful about this data could be a reason for the limitation of your freedom of movement and a negative decision about your refugee status.

11. Why should I repeat all this, if I already wrote a statement at the police station? Is that not enough?
No, at the police station, you wrote the short statement with which the inspector of the Asylum Home will be acquainted before the submission of your application. In the Asylum Home, you will be interrogated more thoroughly about the reasons that forced you to leave your country. It is in your interest to explain all the reasons as precisely as possible because you might not get to have another interview.

12. I do not understand the interpreter very well – what should I do?
In every official procedure, you are entitled to an interpreter. Also, you must understand the interpreter. If you do not understand, you need to tell this immediately to the official (inspector)! Inspector must provide a different interpreter without charge. You can also offer your interpreter, but you pay him by yourself.

13. Why do I need to sign each page of the record and why do we need to read everything all over again?
The purpose of reading of the record is that you make yourself sure that everything in the record is as you have said it. If you change your statement later, it could represent a reason for the rejection of your application. If something is miswritten or is missing, you need to notify the official (inspector) immediately, for the notes to be written down. The signature of each page means that you agree with what is written.

14. Is the procedure confidential or everybody will get to know my story?
The procedure is confidential, which means that nobody will find out about your procedure. Therefore there is no reason to keep something a secret. The inspector will notify you about this as well.

14. a Do I need documents to prove what I am saying?
Try to support your story by any evidence. Bring photos of situations and/or places that appear in your story. Attache letters, emails, or messages from Facebook or WhatsApp that support your story. Enclose newspaper articles about events that support your story. Including the ones that you are mentioned inside (e.g., of terrorist attacks, political resistance, etc.), documents from the authorities in your country of origin (from detention, etc.); documents from the religious community, political party, etc.

Also, documents about your political activities in Slovenia are essential. The inspector will keep these documents in a file, only submit a copy of your documents!

It will make your story more credible in the eyes of the inspector, which will decide about your status. Your story must be coherent and the same every time (at the police station, at the first interview, at the second interview, at the court, etc.), without contradictions! You should write down your story in as much detail as possible and study it many times until it is all clear in your memory. Do this before your first interview, to make sure that you don’t forget anything or accidentally give wrong dates, etc.

Nevertheless, what is decisive is what you say in the interview. Also, if you do not have any proof: if inspectors believe you are telling the truth, you can be granted asylum. Do NEVER submit any false documents. If these are recognized as forgeries, this can lead to all your statements being seen as invalid. Explain also your injuries, health problems, psychological problems, trauma. Such health problems might also contribute that you cannot be deported. All documents from doctors about this can also be handed in.

15. I already asked for protection in another state, but I did not get the status. Is this important?
Yes, it is important. In Slovenia, you will apply (the first interview). Then it will be decided which country is responsible for considering your application. It is not Slovenia, but the state, where you first asked for asylum. In this case, you will receive a decision that Slovenia will not consider your application and which state will do it (according to Dublin regulation).

In the case that you returned to your country of origin after you asked for asylum in the first place and new events happened, which for you mean new reasons for asylum, it is imperative to bring them up.

16. I already asked for protection in Slovenia. Will now the submission of the application be different?
a) YES, if your first application was finally rejected or you withdraw your application. In this case, you will apply anew. You should focus on the reasons and on the time after you left Slovenia. The difference is that you need to submit ALL the evidence that shows that you fulfill the conditions to obtain a status of refugee, already at the submission of the application, because you will not have a second chance.
b) NO, if you arbitrarily left the Asylum Home. In this case, you will submit a »classical« application.

17. What happens after the first interview?
When you sign the record of the first interview (see question no. 13), you official receive the status of an asylum seeker in Slovenia. You will receive an asylum seeker card with your photo, which you will use as a form of self-identification. You will be accommodated in the general part of the Asylum Home in Ljubljana (see section housing) and have the right to free food, clothing and footwear, necessary hygiene supplies, and a monthly allowance (currently 18 EURO). You are also entitled to emergency medical treatment and, on a case-by-case basis, may, in individual cases, receive a broader range of treatment. You are also entitled to an education. After three months since you have submitted your asylum application, you can be employed and work (see section work).

During the asylum procedure, you can move freely throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia but must obtain a permit to spend the night outside the Asylum Home. If you arbitrarily leave the Asylum Home and do not return within three days, your application shall be deemed withdrawn, and the international protection procedure shall be terminated (you will not receive status!). If you want to stay a few days out of camp, please let the social worker first, so they know that you have not left the asylum camp forever and can keep your procedure alive.

II. Limitation of Movement

1. For which reasons can my freedom of movement be restricted?
For one or more of the following reasons:

  • Establishing the identity (when you do not have your documents with a picture with you, such as passport, ID card,…)
  • Suspicion of abusing the procedure
  • Threat to other persons’ life or property
  • Prevention of the spread of contagious diseases
  • Carrying out the Dublin procedure and handing the asylum seeker over to the competent State

2. Which personal documents are essential?
Official documents with the picture, such as valid passport, valid ID card, birth certificate, driving license, etc.

3. What if I receive the documents afterward? Is it enough if they send me my documents by fax or by e-mail?
The document needs to be original. When you receive it, you need to hand it over immediately to the official (inspector), who manages your procedure, to examine if it is original. In the case of the suspicion that the document is not original, it will be sent to the expert for analysis. If your freedom of movement is restricted only for this reason, the measure will be abolished. If your freedom of movement is restricted for some other reason as well (for example, for suspicion of abusing the procedure), it will continue to be restricted.

4. What is the abuse of the procedure?
Several actions can signify the abuse of the procedure. For example, fake presentation of the reasons, your statements are contradictory or in contradiction with the publicly accessible information about your country of origin; if you did not ask for asylum in the shortest time possible (usually this means the same day), rejection of taking your fingerprints and photographing, stating fake data about yourself and submission of falsified documents.

5. Who decides if my freedom of movement will be restricted and what can I do to avoid it?
The inspector who will accept your application decides about this at the end of the submission of the application. You will be informed orally, for which reasons your freedom of movement will be restricted. This reason will be as well contained in the record and later in a written decision that you will receive. Against mere oral announcement, you cannot complain, you can only complain when you receive the written decision (you need to receive it in 3 days). If within this deadline, you do not receive the decision, you need to turn to the office immediately and to the counselor for refugees. The complaint is lodged with the help of the counselor for refugees. You can get the list of counselors from the official person. You are entitled to receive legal help from the counselor for refugees free of charge. The counselor will file a lawsuit against the state at the Administrative court in your name. The Court will conduct an oral hearing, where you will be given a chance to explain why your movement should not be limited, and then the Court will decide in 3 working days.

6. Where will I be lodged during the restriction of movement?
Three locations are possible: the area of the entire Asylum Home, the final part of the Asylum Home, or in Center for foreigners (detention center), which is located in Postojna.

7. How long does the limitation of movement last?
Until the reasons cease to exist, but not longer than three months. After three months, the measure may be extended for another month. In this case, you will have to get a new decision, already before the expiration of the three months deadline, where it is explained why the measure was prolonged. You can complain against this decision to the Administrative Court as well (the procedure is similar to the one under question no.5 - seek help from the counselor for refugees).

If, during the time your freedom of movement is limited, you withdraw your application for asylum, the restriction of movement ceases as well, but you will be returned to your country of origin or Croatia if you have reached Slovenia through Croatia.

8. Can I complain? Who will help me with this?
You can complain to the Administrative Court (and later to the Supreme Court if necessary). The complaint is lodged by the counselor for refugees, whom you choose by yourself, and his counseling is free of charge.

9. How fast is this procedure before the court? Will I be able to talk with the judge? Will the interpreter be there as well?
The deadline to complain is three days from the reception of the written decision (the first day is the next day from the reception of the decision, even if it is a holiday or weekend). The court calls the hearing within one week, which you will attend together with your lawyer (counselor for refugees). The interpreter will be there as well.

10. If the court decides that there are no reasons for the restriction of movement – will I be released immediately?
The court can reject or grant your complaint. In the case of the latter, there are two possibilities: the measure is abolished, or the inspector complains to the Supreme Court if he does not agree with the Administrative court’s decision (in this case, your freedom of movement is still restricted). If the Supreme Court agrees with the inspector’s complaint, your freedom of movement will be restricted for as long as it was determined in the decision. If the Supreme Court agrees with the Administrative Court that there are no reasons for the restriction of movement, the measure will be abolished, and you will be released.

11. What are my rights during the time of limitation of movement?
Except that you cannot move freely, you have all the rights as other asylum seekers (see question no. 17 under title Submission of the application for refugee status).

12. Does the limitation of movement mean that I received a negative status decision as well?
No, these are two different procedures. But it is true that an asylum seeker whose freedom of movement was restricted because of the suspicion of abusing the procedure, most of the time (but not necessary), receives a negative decision in asylum procedure for the same reason as well.

III. After the submission of the application

1. What is now my status and what is the difference between my status after the submission and before the submission of the application, when I was in the pre-reception area?
Now you have the status of an asylum seeker (you are no longer an alien); until the procedure becomes final, no one can deport you from the country; you also have rights, as guaranteed by law.

2. Where will I be staying?
In one of the departments of the Asylum Home: department for families, department for single men, department for unaccompanied minors, department for women, the department with a restriction of movement. In Ljubljana there two open camps, also known as reception centers, officially titled as Asylum Homes.

3. How long will I wait for the decision? I heard that some people wait for more than a year, while others get it in a few weeks?
Each case is different. According to the law, you should receive the first decision in 6 months. If this is not possible, you will be notified in writing, together with the information on when you can expect the decision. It depends as well on whether your application will be assessed in a regular or an accelerated procedure.

Generally, it is difficult to assess how long your asylum procedure will take. Delaying actively with decision making is one of the tactics of the government to try to make people give up and leave Slovenia. Be aware of your rights according to law: if you were persecuted in your country, you are entitled to receive international protection (see question no. 1 under title Submission of the application for refugee status).

4. What is the difference between the regular and the accelerated procedure?
In the regular procedure, you have one more interview, where the content of the application will be assessed. The result of this procedure can be a negative decision or the recognition of a refugee or subsidiary protection status. In the accelerated procedure, there is no additional interview. Your applications will be examined in the accelerated procedure only when the given evidence suffices for the recognition of a refugee or subsidiary protection status (so no additional interview is necessary) OR when your application is rejected because it is manifestly ill-founded (negative decision).

5. What if I find out afterward that I should add something to my application or if I obtain new evidence?
You should go to the official (inspector), who manages your application to write those additional reasons on the record or to submit new evidence. You can do this in a set deadline or until the end of the second interview. If you wish, the inspector needs to issue an attestation about this to you (a certificate stating that he has received these documents/ evidence from you).

6. When can I speak with the official (inspector) and who decides about my application?
You can see the inspector during official hours (the list is on the notice board at the entry); for the name of the inspector that manages your case, you can ask social services or a representative of the non-governmental organization.

7. I got the deadline for the submission of evidence. I tried to obtain the evidence, but it turned out that the deadline is too short. What can I do?
In the set deadline, you need to call the official (inspector), who decides the outcome of your application, and you need to explain this to them and ask for an extension of the deadline. Not respecting the deadline can have negative consequences for you (negative decision).

8. Why does the inspector not find out, if what I am saying is true by himself (for example he can call the relevant office in my country)?
By law, the inspector or the Ministry of Interior Affairs (this is the competent authority) is not allowed to contact the authorities in your country of origin and ask questions about you to guarantee the confidentiality of the procedure and your need for protection. However, the inspector will obtain publicly accessible information.

9. What counts as evidence?
Evidence that supports your story; court decisions, medical attestations, proof of report to the police station, personal documents, journal articles, media news, country of origin reports (or parts of them) by UNHCR, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch …

10. Will I be invited to another interview?
Not necessarily, since the accelerated procedure can be conducted before the additional hearing, therefore you must explain EVERYTHING about your story already when applying.

11. I do not have money for an attorney. Who will help me?
A counselor for refugees (lawyers, usually attorneys) can help you without charge. If you have money and you do not want to be represented free of charge by the counselor for refugees, you can choose any other attorney to represent you (the list of names is published on the web page of the attorneys’ assembly (

12. The counselor told me that I need to pay for his services. Is it, therefore, not true that he works free of charge? Do I need to pay him?
A counselor for refugees gets payment from the Ministry of the Interior. For asylum-seekers, his work is free of charge. If he demands payment from you, we suggest you look for another counselor for refugees and report the one that asked for amount to the non-governmental organizations and the management of the Asylum Home. Fees for the representation at the submission of your application and hearings (interviews in the Asylum Home) need to be arranged with the counselor.

13. How can I contact a counselor for refugees?
Upon arrival at the Asylum Home, you received a list with the names and telephone numbers of counselors. You call the counselor by yourself, with the help of social services or with the help of a representative of non-governmental organizations.

14. What can I do if I cannot communicate with the counselor because of the language?
You should look for the help of a representative of non-governmental organizations or an asylum seeker, whom you trust. For an interpreter, you will need to pay yourself.

15. The counselor complained about the decision that I received. What follows?
You need to wait for the decision of the Administrative court. If the deadline for lodging the complaint was eight days, the court will have to decide in 7 days; if the deadline was 15 days, the court has 30 days to decide. In practice, these deadlines can be more extended, particularly in the summer. You are still an asylum seeker, and you cannot be deported!

16. Can the court grant me refugee status?
The court usually does not grant refugee status. A positive decision from the court means that the court agreed with the statements in the complaint. The court mostly and often returns the cases to the inspector for the renewed determination. However, the inspector doesn’t need to conduct the renewed procedure right away, since he can complain to the Supreme Court against the decision of the Administrative court.

In specific individual cases, the Administrative Court can also grant refugee status, but this happens extremely rare.

17. What can I do if I receive a second negative decision?
If you receive a second negative decision from the Administrative Court (the court rejected your complaint), you can complain against this decision to the Supreme Court (the counselor for refugees can write up your complaint free of charge).

18. How long will it take for the Supreme Court to decide?
By law, the Supreme Court needs to decide within 15 days.

19. Will I go to court for the hearing? How will the judge know what is right if he does not speak to me?
The judge will typically decide only based on the files (the decision, the complaint, evidence). The judges do not have office hours, where you could talk to them. Sometimes they will organize an oral hearing and interrogate you to assess your credibility.

20. I obtained new evidence – can I send it to the court?
You can, if the evidence already existed at the time, when the inspector was deciding about your application, and you legitimately could not submit it. If you could have submitted it to the inspector beforehand, then the court will not be allowed to consider it.

21. Will the court send the judgment to me or my attorney?
If you have an attorney (counselor for refugees), the court will send the judgment to him, and the attorney needs to notify you.

22. I am not satisfied with the attorney. What can I do?
You can revoke his mandate in writing and then authorize another attorney. We suggest that you previously agree on this with another attorney so that you will not stay without an attorney. You should also find out if this is reasonable, considering in which phase of the procedure you are.

23. What happens if I am unsuccessful at all three instances?
With the notification of the negative judgment of the Supreme Court (regardless of whether this is the 2. or the 3. negative decision), you become an alien, and you do not have the right to accommodation in the Asylum Home. In the judgment, it is also written that you need to leave Slovenia immediately. In a few days, the police will take you to the Center for foreigners (detention center in Postojna, please see the section DETENTION), where the procedure for extradition to your country will begin.

24. Can I leave Slovenia voluntarily?
If you arrived in Slovenia illegally or if you are without documents or if you do not have any other legal basis to stay in Slovenia, then the answer is no (at least not legally).

25. My application for asylum was rejected. Can I ask for subsidiary protection?
No, because the decision about subsidiary protection was made within the procedure for refugee status (it has already been decided!). During the procedure, it is first examined, if the conditions for the recognition of the status of refugee are fulfilled. If not, the fulfillment of the conditions for the recognition of subsidiary protection is examined as well. It is a unified procedure; therefore, two different applications are not possible.

26. Is there any other possibility after I receive a negative decision from the Supreme Court? What about the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)?
It is possible to lodge a constitutional complaint to the Constitutional Court in 15 days from the notification of the Supreme Court judgment, but only if your constitutional rights were violated during the procedure. At the same time, you should ask for the withholdment of the Supreme Court’s judgment to leave Slovenia immediately. You have to take care of your accommodation; otherwise, there is a chance to find yourself in detention. Only when this possibility is exhausted, you can complain to the ECtHR.

27. How can non-governmental organizations help me during the procedure?
Several non-governmental organizations are active in the domain of international protection. Some offer psychosocial help (different workshops, trips, discussions), others deal with research and do not have direct contact with asylum seekers. PIC offers legal support: counseling, representation before the court.

28. I was granted the status of international protection. What about my relatives who are still in my country of origin? Can they join me?
You can ask for family reunification with your family members: spouse or marriage-like partner, minor, unmarried children and children without means, and in the case if you are an unaccompanied minor, your parents. The persons must be members of a family that already existed in your country. If the request is granted, they will obtain the same status as you.

29. I asked for asylum in Slovenia. I have relatives in another EU country. Can I reunite with them?
You can ask for family reunification with a family member: your spouse (or marriage-like partner), minor, parent (if you are an unaccompanied minor), who has a status of refugee or status of an asylum seeker in another EU Member State.

International protection in the Republic of Slovenia means the status of refugees and the status of subsidiary protection.

  • Asylum = international protection
  • Inspector = official person