AYS - Are You Syrious?
free shop (clothes, hygiene products and household items), integration programs and language courses
AYS is an NGO who is supporting asylum seekers, people under international and temporary protection. In Zagreb, AYS volunteers are providing humanitarian aid support in a FREE SHOP where asylum seekers and people under international and temporary protection can get clothes, shoes, hygiene products and household items for free. In addition to the free shop we also developed independent integration programs and Croatian language courses for both children and adults, to facilitate access to education, housing and work.
areyousyrious@gmail.comWorking hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 13-16h
You find the shop at the given address by walking up the concrete stairs to the plateau.
CMS - Centre for peace studies (Centar za mirovne studije)
legal support, language support, education, housing, employment and health
The CMS is a civil society organization, working on a variety of topics, among them also migrants, persons under international and temporary protection and asylum seekers’ rights. Their priority is working on advocacy, but also provide free legal aid, Croatian language support, support in access to services such as education, housing, employment and health and other integration activities for migrants, persons under international and temporary protection and asylum seekers.
Telephone: +385913300183 (free legal aid)
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 10-17h
HPC - Croatian Law Center (Hrvatski pravni centar)
legal assistance
The HPC provides free legal assistance to asylum seekers, writes reports, and conducts monitoring of asylum seekers and migrants’ rights in Croatia. Their capacity in terms of providing free legal aid is minimal and not all people get their support. Vulnerable groups have priority. If you are really in need of legal help it is a good idea to keep calling them.
Telephone: +385 (1) 4854-934
JRS - Isusovačka služba za izbjeglice (Jesuit Refugee Service)
language courses, intercultural exchanges, integration and legal support
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) monitors, serves and advocates the rights of refugees and all forcibly displaced persons. At Refugee Integration Center SOL, JRS team provide support to refugees in the form of Croatian language courses, intercultural exchanges, integration and legal support.
Telephone: +385 98 979 2298
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 10-19h -
Žene Ženama - Women to women collective
women safe space, women support, art, workshops
The Women to Women collective uses art as a way to bring together women who want Croatia to be their home together for whom Croatia is already home, to facilitate the integration of women into a new ever-evolving community. Through workshops, gatherings and excursions, women share and gain skills, knowledge, and empowerment while building on a support network and shared values of mutual understanding, tolerance and embracing of diversity into a dynamic inclusionary society. They try to create a safe, secure and intimate space for women to exchange ideas, problems, solutions or simply to spend time together by connection through womanhood that often take precedence over cultural biases projected or perceived.
Laguages: English, Croatian, Armenic, Farsi, Arabic.
projekti@ziviatelje.dkTelephone: +385 91 938 9945
RCT - Rehabilitation center for stress and trauma Zagreb (Rehabilitacijski centar za stres i traumu Zagreb)
psychological support, counseling, empowerment
The Rehabilitation Center for Stress and Trauma (RCT) is an independent, non-profit civil society organization that provides professional psychological support and support in social inclusion to people with fewer opportunities and opportunities. They provide psychosocial counseling and support services with the aim of empowering people who have limited opportunities and opportunities to realize their own potential.
info@rctzg.hrTelephone: +385 1 4641 342
integration projects, community work, education, coding
Borders:none is an organization from Zagreb, Croatia which helps refugees in their integration and inclusion in society in various aspects: informal education, employment, organizing events and meetings with local society, etc. Besides various activities, they have two bigger projects. One is a coding school for refugees where they teach HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and the other is a mentoring program for young refugees. This project connects refugees with local people from society who become their mentors and support them in dealing with everyday problems and achieving their goals.
hello@bordersnone.comWorking hours: Monday - Friday: 10-19h
Afro Badinya
African culture, dance, music, workshops
Afro Badinya association was founded in 2017 in Zagreb. In the Mandinka language, which is used in various West African countries, BADINYA means family. The association brings together different people, different ages, professions and occupations, and what unites them all and keeps them firmly together is the love for African dance and song. They present their passion and skills through performances and workshops that strengthen solidarity and peace among different peoples and races, alleviate social, age and gender differences between people. Simply put, they spread good vibes!
afro.badinya.zg@gmail.comAfro Badinya has no address, address shown is just for map location in Zagreb.
CKP - Centar za kazalište potlačenih POKAZ (Center for theatre of oppressed POKAZ)
theater, Croatian language courses
The Center for the Theater of the Oppressed POKAZ is an organization that promotes inclusion, dialogue and justice through socially engaged work, using the methods and techniques of the theater of the oppressed and critical pedagogy with the aim of creating a just society of dialogue, based on equality and solidarity, freed from the system of oppression.
POKAZ provides the service of an informal Croatian language course for asylum seekers, persons under international and temporary protection and other foreigners. The course consists of two parts: methodological language learning and language learning through the theatrical form.
ckp.pokaz@gmail.comAfro Badinya has no address, address shown is just for map location in Zagreb.
PADUH - Panafrican association in Croatia (Panafričko društvo u Hrvatskoj)
The association was founded in order to improve the status and acquisition of greater rights of citizens of African countries who have been granted asylum or are on temporary, long-term or permanent residence in the Republic of Croatia.
Last update :
April 2023