National Contacts
In case of emergency:
112: this number is valid for any kind of emergency. Use it in case of: medical emergencies (ambulance), fire etc. (firemen) or if you want the police to come. You can call this number always, even if you don’t have any money on your phone.There are some Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) present all over Spain. You can find out if they have an office close to you on their websites . If you can’t find the information online, you can also ask people around you as these organizations are quite well-known.
Offices: https://www.accem.es/organizacion/
Accommodation, legal/social assistance, coursesCEAR
Offices: https://www.cear.es/donde-estamos/
Accommodation, legal assistance especially for asylum seekersCruz Roja
Accommodation, social/sanitary assistance, coursesCEPAIM
Offices: http://cepaim.org/fundacion/centros-cepaim/
Accommodation, legal/social assistance, coursesMPDL (Movimiento por la Paz)
Offices: http://www.mpdl.org/nuestra-ong/equipo/sedes
Accommodation, legal/social assistance, coursesRed Acoge
Legal/social assistance, coursesFor women:
Programa Onna Adoratrices
+34 693231533
Assistance for victims of human trafficking or forced prostitution -
Geum Dodou
Spanish classes
Melilla Acoge
There are two offices of Acoge in Melilla:
Plaza de las Victorias 6. 52005 Melilla
Calle Cataluña 57. 52006 Melilla
Tel.: 952670893/ 952672850
E-mail: melilla@acoge.org
Opening hours: 9:00 to 14:00/ 16:00 to 20:00
Legal and social advice, sanitary assistance, professional training -
CETI, Frontera Beni Ensar
Opening hours: From Monday to Friday from 9h to 18h
Helpline (+34 653958498) from Monday to Friday from 9.30h to 14.30h (Arabic, French, English, Spanish)
Legal assistance and advice to applicants for international protection. -
Centro de Estancia Temporal para Inmigrantes de Melilla (CETI)
Monday to Friday, from 9h to 14h.
Legal assistance and advice to applicants for international protection. -
Médicos del Mundo
Calle Ayul Lalchandani, 1, 1a planta 3-A, 52004 Melilla
Tuesdays 9h to 13:30h
Consultas los lunes, miércoles, jueves y viernes con cita previa a concertar por teléfono (+34 608688896 o +34 659193961)
Access to health care, treatments, education on the streets with minors and homeless people. -
Save the Children
Each day from 9:00h to 17:00h. Fridays until 15:00h.
Education in the streets, trainings in CETI -
Movimiento por la Paz (MPDL)
Monday to Friday from 9h to 14:30h
Tel.: +34 680925608
E-mail: melilla@mpdl.org
Legal advice, assistance to women victims of gender violence. -
Caritas is present in the church of each neighborhood. For general questions, please contact Cáritas Interparroquial: Calle Roberto Cano, núm. 2
For specific needs in the neighborhood, please contact the church directly. For other questions: caritasmelilla@hotmail.com +34 697815560 / +34 652684200
Shelter, assistance, counseling, transfer to general services, contact with other organizations, help with supplies, basic needs, pharmacy, etc. -
Cruz Roja
Tel.: 952674434 or 952678112
E-mail: melilla@cruzroja.es
The “Centro de Estancia Temporal de Inmigrantes” provides health, social, psychological, translation and leisure care. -
Fiet Gratia
Tel.: 603244214
E-mail: info@fietgratia.org
In Melilla they have the project “Rescatar y Restaurar” (Rescue and Restore). Prevention of human trafficking for sexual and/or labor exploitation. -
Prodein Asociación pro derechos de la infancia
Paseo Marítimo Mir Berlanga 22 portal 2, 1 B
E-mail: infojornadasmelilla@gmail.com
Reporting of human rights violations. -
Solidary Wheels. No Borders for Human Rights
Tel.: (legal) 633409530, (intervention) 678445568
E-mail: melilla@solidarywheels.org
Reporting of violations of rights at the southern border and legal and social support to migrants in the city of Melilla. -
MDLR Asociación MecDeLaRue
E-mail: info@mecdelarue.org
Food distribution to homeless people, hospital and dentist, Spanish and computer classes. -
Hijas de la Caridad
Tel.: 976397212
E-mail: comunicando@hijascaridadee.org
They have a meeting space in the afternoon and a shower service in the morning for homeless migrants. -
From Monday to Friday from 10h to 14h and from 17h to 20h
E-mail: amlega@felgtb.org
Assistance to applications for international protection because of sexual orientation and gender identity. -
Asociación Bader
Distribution of blankets etc.. They provide shelter for the most vulnerable children and minors in foster.
CEAR defends the right to asylum, a fundamental principle both in its origins and today. The CETI is in the “Centro de Estancia Temporal para Inmigrantes” (Temporary Stay Centre for Immigrants), a center for first shelter providing basic services to immigrants and applicants for international protection. The CETI does not accept people of Moroccan origin.
Asociación Elin
Elin is based on the recognition of Human Rights. Every day of the week, Elin volunteers offer Spanish classes to migrants in Ceuta. It can be found in front of the
Accem is a Spanish non-profit organization specialized in supporting refugees, migrants and people at risk of social exclusion.
E-mail: ceuta@accem.es -
Fundación Cruz Blanca
Fundación Cruz Blanca manages various shelter places of the Humanitarian Attention program for migrants in vulnerable situations (gender violence, victims of trafficking).
E-mail: juridico.ceuta@fundacioncruzblanca.org -
No Name Kitchen
No Name Kitchen is a civil movement aimed at supporting human beings in their right to move in search of a better future. We work at borders where People on the Move face the challenges of long journeys and violent repulsions.
E-mail: ceuta@nonamekitchen.org
Canary Islands
Assistance and advice on human rights
AFAMCA: proyecto ADAME
Assistance and legal and administrative advice for foreigners
Tel.: +34 917 816 862
afamca.tenerife@gmail.com -
Legal support to migrants and asylum seekers
Phone number: +34 822 112 009
From Monday to Friday from 8h to 15h -
Asociación ACTÚA
Support with job placement, training and legal and social counseling
Phone numbers: +34 822 242 207// 822 242 206// 616 779 404
From Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm
E-mail: oasmiproyecto@gmail.com
E-mail: contactoactua@gmail.com -
Cáritas: Café y Calor
Administrative support and overnight stay
Phone number: +34 922 201 495
cafeycalor@caritastenerife.org -
Espacio Sociocultural La Casa
Human rights information service
Phone number: +34 922 320 176
ONG Ser Humano: Tenerife Acoge
Legal, social and psychological advice
Phone number: +34 669 158 625
Gran Canaria
El Taller de la Isleta
Espacio Seguro Save the Children
Fundación ADSIS
Assistance in training and employment, shelter for homeless people.
Phone number: +34 828 907 101
Asociación Sociocultural Entre Mares
Support with legal and administrative questions
Avenida de la Constitución, 5. Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura.
From Monday to Friday from 9h to 14h
Phone number: +34 928 530 160
entremarescultural@gmail.com -
Servicio de Atención a Personas Migrantes (S.A.M.)
Free orientation and counseling to provide support to the migrant community.
Municipio de La Oliva (Tuesday from 9h to 14h in Raíz del Pueblo, in La Oliva; Wednesday from 15h to 20h in Parque Holandés; Friday from 8h to 14h in Tenencia de alcaldía, in Corralejo).
Appointment required: +34 682796770 / +34 686234180
Federation that organises, groups and represents migrant associations on the island of Lanzarote.
Tel.: +34 928 075 903// 928 075 904
Balearic Islands
Casal de Asociaciones de Inmigrantes y ONGD
Counseling, training, computer access, free wifi
Tel.: +34 971 75 37 98 / 690 28 11 55
E-mail: casalimmigrants@gmail.com -
Asociación Aula Cultural
Spanish courses, library and computers
Tel.: +34 971 72 85 12
E-mail: aulacultural@aulacultural.org -
Associació de Veïnats Son Dameto-Son Pisà
Spanish classes
E-mail: info@avvsondameto.com -
Cruz Roja Mallorca
Shelter, clothes and food
Tel.: +34 971 29 50 00 -
OFIM Mallorca
Local government office. Information and legal counseling
Tel.: +34 971 76 45 8 -
Médicos del mundo Mallorca
Support for sex workers and women in vulnerable situations
Tel.: +34 971 20 43 59
E-mail: illesbalears@medicosdelmundo.org
Fons Menorquí de Cooperació
General advice, emergency shelter.
+34 971 37 35 09
fons@fonsmenorqui.org -
Local government office. Information and legal advice.
+34 971 35 70 24 -
Asociación Shahab Menorca
Legal support. Cultural activities, arabic classes.
+34 690 23 44 32 / +34 618 97 64 28
www.shabab.es -
Caravana Obrim Fronteres Menorca
Self organised organisation. Support in legal processes in Spanish, Arabic, French and English.
+34 637 758 145 -
Cruz Roja Menorca
NGO. Food, clothes, and legal advice for asylum
+34 971 38 19 93 / +34 971 36 11 80
mao@cruzroja.es -
Médicos del mundo Menorca
NGO. Support to sex workers and women in a situation of vulnerability.
+34 692 52 58 97
SOS Refugiados Ibiza
Self organised organsiation. Information and support for migrants.
sos.ayudarefugiadosibiza@gmail.com -
OFIM Ibiza
Local government office. Information and legal advice.
+34 971 76 45 88 -
Cruz Roja Ibiza
Food, clothes, legal advice for asylum
+34 971 39 03 03
eivissa@cruzroja.es -
Médicos del mundo Ibiza
Support to sex workers and women in a situation of vulnerability.
+34 971 30 11 89 / +34 628 46 73 78
SOS Refugiados Ibiza y Formentera
Self organised organsiation. Information and support for migrants.
sos.ayudarefugiadosibiza@gmail.com -
OFIM Formentera
Local government office. Information and legal advice.
+34 971 32 12 71 /+34 971 76 45 88
Algeciras-Tarifa-Barbate-Plataforma Strait of Gibraltar
Tel.: +34-602660753
APDHA (Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía)
Information, legal counseling, social counseling, Spanish classes and nacionalidad
Tel./Fax: +34 956 22 85 11/+34 690 019644
https://twitter.com/APDHACadiz -
Hogar Fermín Salvoechea - Centro de Día de personas sin hogar
Accommodation for homeless people
C. Regimiento Infantería de Cádiz, 1, 11002 Cádiz
Tel.: +34 956 237574
Closes at 20:30h. -
Asociación Cardijn
Support for the integration of migrants into the job market
C/Trille, 40
Tel.: +34 956 293280/ 660 885900
https://www.asociacioncardijn.org/index.htm -
Fundación Tierra de Todos
Social and legal assistance
Secretariado Diocesano de Migraciones Plaza Fray Félix, 5, 11005 Cádiz
Tel.: +34 956 29 07 14
https://centrotierradetodos.es/fctdt/ -
Red de Acogida El Puerto de Santa María
Reception of former foster youth.
Tel.: +34 675 09 84 69
https://www.facebook.com/RedAcogiaElPuerto -
Chiclana de la Frontera
Comité Anti-sida - Campo de Gibraltar
Social counseling, breakfast
C/ Gregorio Marañón S/N
Tel.: +34 956-634-828
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-14:00h, breakfast (9:00-10:30h) -
Asociación de Familias Solidarias para el Desarrollo - AFASODE
Reception of former foster youth
Av de la diputación, Esquina Calle de la Vid. 11130. Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz
E-mail: informacion@familiasolidarias.org
Tel.: +34 661 30 88 66
Centro social “Padre Cuceyra”
Social support, food, showers, hairdressing
Av: Agustín Bálsamo S/N
Tel.: +34 956-668-555
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-14:00 h -
Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía (APDHA) - Delegación Campo de Gibraltar
Counseling (including CIES)
C/ Ramón y Cajal nº4, 11202 Algeciras
E-mail: campogibraltar@apdha.org -
Algeciras Acoge
General information, legal counseling, Spanish classes
C/ Sevilla, 35 Bajo. 11201 Algeciras
Tel.: +34 956 63 40 03 / +34 956 63 33 98
algeciras@acoge.org -
Asylum counseling, accommodation for asylum seekers, legal counseling
Paseo de la conferencia 9, edificio las olas, bajo, 11207 Algeciras
Tel.: +34-956560946 -
Fundación Cruz Blanca
For Women: Care for sex workers, support for women in situations of exclusion
Paseo de la Conferencia, no 7
Tel.: +34 956-603-490
24-hour service every day
Jerez de la Frontera
Dimbali - Red de Acogida a Inmigrantes de Jerez
Social counseling, Spanish classes
Sindicato CNT. Edificio Sindicatos, plaza del Arenal, 20 - bajo - 11402 Jerez de la Frontera.
Tel.: Aurore +34-659748529 (French) and Manuel +34-640760935 (English) -
Voluntarios por Otro Mundo Jerez
Reception of former foster youth.
Tel.: +34 671 93 95 37
https://www.facebook.com/VoluntariosPorOtroMundoEnJerez -
Social counseling, legal counseling
C/Vicario 16, 11403 Jerez de la frontera
Tel.:+34-956349585 -
C / Cantarería 2, 11404 Jerez de la Frontera
Asociación Marroquí
Legal counseling, general information, training for women, job counseling
Calle Jinetes, nº 5, 29012 Málaga
Tel.: +34 952.21.89.87
E-mail: aem_malaga@yahoo.es -
Legal counseling
Oficina de Atención al Refugiado, 1st floor
c/ Cuarteles 33
Tel.: +34952 22 40 76 -
Liga Malagueña
Asesoramiento jurídico para documentación
C/ Cruz Verde 20
Tel.: +34952210911
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 8h-14h30, Tuesday and Thursday 16h-19h30 -
la casa invisible
Socio-cultural center
C/Nosquera 11
29008 Malaga
Self-organized socio-cultural center with an open space from 9h-22h30 daily
Ask here about “refugees welcome” for support, Spanish classes, job counseling, legal counseling and searching for accommodation.
http://www.lainvisible.net/ -
Centro Arrabal
Job counseling
c/ Sevilla 8, 29009 Málaga
Tel.: 952 300 500
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9h-14h, Monday to Thursday 16-19h
Monday and Friday mornings they offer CP (curriculum) support. Only with appointment. -
Hermana de la Inmaculada
Job counseling, especially for women in the domestic sphere
c/ la Victoria 72, 74
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10h-12h30 and 18h30-20h30.
Granada Acoge
General information, legal counseling, healthcare card processing, Spanish classes
Calle Portería Santa Paula (no number), 18001 Granada
Tel.: +34 958 200 836 / +34 958 800 428
E-mail: granada@acoge.org
Monday to Thursday 9h-14h/17h-19h, Friday 9h-14h -
Asociación Inlayapas
Job counseling, training laboral, formación
Calle Portería Santa Paula (no number), 3rd floor, 18001 Granada
Tel.: +34 958282929 / +34 638570784
E-mail: inlayapas@hotmail.es
Monday to Friday 10h-13h and Monday to Thursday 16h30-18h30 -
Servicio de Atención al Inmigrante (SAI) del Ayuntamiento de Granada
Information on legal and bureaucratic procedures
c/ Santa Rosalía nº 6, Granada Planta baja
Tel.: +34 958180047 -
Fundación Amaranta
Support for women in prostitution and trafficking victims
Tel.: +34 646887625
E-mail: granada@fundaciónamaranta.org -
Counselling and guidance helpline
Tel.: +34-637228214 and +34-631440134
Motril Acoge
Cours d'espagnol, traitement des cartes de soins de santé, échange d'emploi disponible
Camino de las Cañas, 56
Mardi, mercredi et jeudi, et après-midi de 17 à 19h, lundi, mardi et mercredi
Generic information, reception centres, international protection
Avenida del Largo Caballero 52, Almería 950 271 575
C/ Padre Luque 11, 2º, Almería +34-950 271 575 -
Legal and political support
c/Jorge Guillén,1,Bajo, frente a Carrefour, Almería.
Tel.: +34-950170038 and +34-63727513 -
Médicos del Mundo
First needs, health care
C/Juan de la Encina, 2, Almería,
Tel.: +34-950 25 24 32 -
Cruz Roja Almería
Legal advice, humanitarian aid, professional advice, etc.
Asamblea Provincial C/Nicolás Salmeron, 28, 04002
Tel.: +34-950257367 -
CODENAF (Asociación Cooperación al Desarrollo con el Norte de áfrica)
Assistance and advice for migrants, Spanish courses and vocational guidance.
C/ San Antón, 4, Almería
Tel.: +34-950273195
E-mail: codenafalmeria@codenaf.org -
Asociación de Cooperación e Investigación de Mujeres y Niños Inmigrantes
Emphasis on women and children. Legal advice, training, mediation services, general guidance and advice.
General Luque, 7, 1.º 5.ª, Almería
Tel.: +34-669 329 209, e-mail: ejbari@mixmail.com -
Mujeres en Zona de Conflicto
For women and children: social assistance, legal and psychological counselling, vocational guidance, support
C/ Séneca 6, 04001 Almería
Tel.: +34 950 100 546
E-mail: almeria@mzc.es -
COLEGA Asociación Colectivo de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales de Almería
Legal and psychological advice and information for LGBTQIA+ people. Awareness.
Local 1, Ctra. Sierra Alhamilla, 54, 04007 Almería,
Tel.: +34-950 65 00 09 -
Asociación Innova
Counselling and job placement for minors aged 16 to 18 who are in the child protection system and for previously protected young people over 18.
C/Fuente de los Molinos, 127, Almería
Tel.: +34-950 22 79 84. -
El Ejido
Legal and political support
c/Toledo, 50, El Ejido,
Tel.: +34-950484558 / +34-61718551 -
Assistance and information for migrants and refugees, reception centres and international protection resources.
Paraje Soto Molinero, 1, Hoya Bojar (Las Norias), El Ejido
Tel.: +34-677 467 492
Legal counseling, political support
Travesía Bojares s/n en San Isidro,Nijar
Tel.: +34-638223967 -
Assistance and information for migrants and refugees, reception centers and international protection resources.
Calle Pantano, 2, Nijar
Tel.: +34-687 102 184
Cruz Roja Roquetas de Mar (Área Migrantes y Refugiados)
Legal counseling for the asylum process, clothes and food distribution
Avd. Roquetas de Mar, 106, Roquetas de Mar
Tel.: +34-950322912
E-mail: roquetas@cruzroja.es
MZC (Mujeres en zona de conflicto)
For women and children: Legal and psychological counseling, job counseling, support, social care for women and children
C/ Cartaya, 1 Bajo, 21002 Huelva
Tel.: +34 959 251 396
E-mail: huelva@mzc.es -
Asisti Cuenca Minera
Support for health issues, legal issues and housing search
C/ La Huerta Nº 8
21660 Minas De Ríotinto, Huelva
Tel.: +34-615 83 44 77
E-mail: asisticm@gmail.com / fb: Asisti Cuenca Minera -
Jornaleras en Lucha
Social and health assistance, information and training on the labor rights of day workers.
Tel.: +34 631 38 97 69
E-mail: jornalerasdehuelvaenlucha@gmail.com
https://jornalerasenlucha.org/ -
Asnuci - Nuevos ciudadanos por la interculturalidad
Reception, assistance and accommodation for temporary migrants
Calle Esparteros número 3, Polígono Industrial El Prado, 21440, Lepe (Huelva)
Tel.: +34 612 44 50 96
E-mail: asnuci@gmail.com
Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía (APDHA) - Delegación Andaluza
Counseling, political support, advocacy
C/Blanco White, 5 CP41018 Sevilla
Tel.: +34 954536270
E-mail: andalucia@apdha.org
https://www.instagram.com/apdhandalucia/ -
ODS (Oficina de Derechos Sociales) Asociación Socio – Cultural Barrios
Legal, social and job counseling
Plaza del Pumarejo, 3 (Centro Vecinal Pumarejo)
Tel.: +34-658 647 986. E-mail: ods.sevilla.ods@gmail.com
Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 to 14:00h -
Asociación Sevilla Acoge
Social and legal counseling, training, support for migrant families, special focus on women and minors
Avda. Cristo de la Expiración, s/n (Bajos del Puente del Cachorro) 41001 Sevilla, Bus C3, C4, 6.
Tel.: 954.90.29.60 -
CODENAF Sevilla (Cooperación y Desarrollo con el Norte de Africa)
Social and legal counseling.
Tel.: +34 954903541.
Sánchez Pizjuán, 9, local sótano. Sevilla, 41009
Web: http://www.codenaf.org
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons with prior appointment via phone -
Asociación Claver
Counseling and guidance, training, coordination with reception resources
Av. Eduardo Dato, 20, 41018 Sevilla
Tel.: +34 954 93 21 79 -
Movimiento por la Paz (M.P.D.L.)
Reception, counseling
c/Imagen 6, fourth floor, right side. Buses: 10, 11, 12, 15, 24, 27, 32, B2.
Tel.: +34 954 22 21 34
From Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00.
Email: sevilla@mpdl.org -
Reception and counseling for asylum seekers
Calle San Jorge 7, casa 2. 41010 Sevilla / Calle Relator, 6 41002 Sevilla / Avenida de Hytasa 10, 41006 Sevilla
41002 Sevilla
Tel.: +34 954 61 91 64 -
MAD África
Rights advocacy, citizen participation, political action
C/Antonio Susillo 28-30 41002. Sevilla
Tel.: +34 954 905 867
E-mail: madafrica@madafrica.es -
La Carpa - Sevilla
for homeless people
MZC (Mujeres en zona de conflicto)
For women: Legal and psychological counseling, job counseling, support, social care for women and children
C/ Manuel Villalobos,23
41009 Sevilla
Tel.: +34 954 563 543
E-mail: sevilla@mzc.es -
Centro Alba
For women: Social and labor counseling, care for women with children, care for women in prostitution, etc.
C/ Relator número 33, 41002 Sevilla
Tel.: +34 954 901 283 / +34 618 305 529
E-mail: centroalalba@centroalalba.org
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 10:00-14:00/16:30-20:30; Friday 10:00-14:00 -
Mujeres Supervivientes
For women: Integration assistance, social kitchen, training and information.
Casa Pumarejo
Pl. Pumarejo, nº3, Sevilla, España. 41003.
Opening hours: Every day from 9:00am to 20:00pm
E-mail: antonia.mujeressupervivientes@gmail.com
Tel.: +34 618128583
https://www.instagram.com/mujeressupervivientes/ -
C.C.O.O.(Comisiones Obreras)
For workers: Workers union with specialized legal/labor counseling for migrants
C/ Trajano 1. A, Sevilla
Tel.: +34 954 222 997
Monday and Wednesday 9:00 – 14:00/16:30 – 19:00, Tuesday and Thurdsay 7:30 – 15:00, Friday 7:30 – 14:30. -
U.S.O. (Unión Sindical Obrera)
For workers: Employment counseling, support in obtaining/renewing residence permits, work permits, visas, etc.
C/ Maria Coronel, 34 Sevilla. Bus 10, 11, 12 ,15.
Tel.: +34 954293017
Opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:45 – 13:00. You can pick a number from 9:30 onwards. -
Asociación de Empleadxs del Hogar de Sevilla
Fb: @Empleadashogarsevilla
E-mail: empleadasdelhogarsevilla@gmail.com
Defense of the rights of domestic employees -
More organizations in Sevilla
Resource guide in Sevilla: https://bituin.es/
Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía (APDHA) - Delegación de Córdoba
Acompañamiento sociosanitario, asesoría jurídica.
Address: C/ Músico Francisco de Salinas, Local 10. 14011 Córdoba
Tel.: 957 40 43 73
E-mail: cordoba@apdha.org -
MZC (Mujeres en zona de conflicto)
For women: Legal and psychological counseling, job counseling, support, social care for women and children
Calle San Pablo, nº 9 · 14002 Córdoba (España)
Tel.: +34 957 082 000
E-mail: contactoweb@mzc.es
Murcia (city)
Murcia Acoge
Tel.:+34 968271652
E-mail: murcia.acoge.murcia@redacoge.org
Temporary shelter, legal advice, job orientation, Spanish classes, training, awareness raising, asylum -
PAREM. Asociación de Ayuda para las Personas Refugiadas y Migrantes en Murcia
Resources and services
E-mail: recuyservicios@parem.es
Culture – La Casita
E-mail: cultura@parem.es
Conversation tables
E-mail: mesasdeconversacion@parem.es
E-mail: LGTBIQ@parem.es
Training, cultural and leisure activities, resources and services for refugees and/or asylum seekers. Conversation tables. Shelter -
Convivir Sin Racismo
Tel.: 624760959
General information, advice, support with searching for missing persons, assistance for detainees inside the CIE of Murcia. -
Programa Oblatas Murcia
Tel.: 968 235 598/ 690 010 957
Services for women, including those working in sex work, and victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation.
Shelter and integral assistance to women. Information and orientation. Psychological care. Training. Guidance and job placement. -
Asociación Cultural y Social BETO
C/.San Antonio, 39 Bajo. Beniaján. 968 87 59 86.
Support for women that are victims of gender violence, or that find themselves in situations of exclusion.
Shelter and support. Information and orientation. Social attention. Training. Guidance and job placement. -
Asociación Columbares
Tel.: 968 82 42 41
E-mail: asociacion@columbares.org
Information and orientation. Social attention, training. Guidance and job orientation, prevention and report of hate speech -
Asociación Rumiñahui
Tel.: 968 22 36 96
Information and orientation for migrants. Education and job advice.
Coordinadora de Barrios
Tel.: +34 695 17 36 35
General information, advice, training, support with searching for missing persons, Spanish classes, social and work integration.
Murcia Acoge - Cartagena
Tel.: 968505301
E-mail: murcia.acoge.cartagena@redacoge.org
General information, legal counseling, shelter, accommodation. -
Asociación Rascasa
Tel.: 968 120 304
E-mail: rascasa@asociacionrascasa.es
Information for migrants Training. Guidance and job advice
Murcia Acoge - Lorca
Tel.: 658910765
E-mail: murcia.acoge.lorca@redacoge.org
Requests for appointments by phone: Monday, Thursday and Friday. Face-to-face appointments on Wednesday from 9:00 to 14:00
Murcia Acoge - Totana
Tel.: 658910765
E-mail: murcia.acoge.totana@redacoge.org
Requests for appointments by phone: Monday, Thursday and Friday. Face-to-face appointments on Tuesday 9:00–14:00 and Thursday 9:00–14:00Calle de Cieza s/n. Barrio El Parral – Local social. CP: 30850 – Totana.
Torre Pacheco
Murcia Acoge - Torre Pacheco
Tel.: 631703554 | 622048904 only Whatsapp | 968585352
E-mail: murcia.acoge.torrepacheco@redacoge.org
General information, legal counseling, training, accommodation.
La Unión
Murcia Acoge - La Unión
Tel.: 633218769 (Whatsapp for appointments)
Tel.: 968540366
E-mail: murcia.acoge.launion@redacoge.org
General information, legal counseling, training.
Centro Hermano - Shelter for homeless people (Cáritas)
Phone number: 924240047
Assistance for migrants, temporary accommodation.
Phone number: 663 876 808
merida@cepaim.org -
Médicos del Mundo Extremadura
Counseling for seasonal workers, right to health, support in cases of gender-based violence and women trafficking
Phone number: 683 659 368 / 685 334 592
extremadura@medicosdelmundo.org -
Padre Cristobal (Cáritas) - Shelter for homeless people
Accommodation for homeless people
Phone number: 924 30 26 18
Movimiento de Mujeres Migrantes
Psychological support, administrative advice, emergency care
Phone number: +34 924 71 06 18
movimientodemujeresmigrantes@gmail.com -
Mujeres Sembrando
Women’s political self-organization, support in general
Phone number: 657 70 72 89
Assistance for migrants, temporary accommodation.
Phone number: 927 24 87 39 / 696 03 76 08
Navalmoral de la Mata
Employment assistance, accommodation support, training.
Phone number: 927 53 08 89 / 687 13 15 67
Comunidad Valenciana
Espai Obert El Marítim
First reception, counseling and translation for administrative procedures, Spanish courses, legal advice.
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 8pm
Phone number: +34 640 20 50 00
sanaeelbayad@espaiobertmaritim.org -
Centro de Apoyo a la Inmigración del Ayuntamiento de Valencia
Resource of the municipality of Valencia. First reception, residential resources and transfers to shelters and other resources.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 14:00.Phone number: 962 08 74 23
Candombe Asociación Intercultural
Legal counseling
Phone number: 96.384.33.39 / 603.878.392
Opening hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 to 20:00; Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 to 13:30 -
Servicio Jesuíta Migrante
Job orientation resources, legal and labor counseling, Spanish courses.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00h to 14:00h and from 16:00h to 20:00h.
Phone number: 963 15 22 20
info@sjmvalencia.org -
Asociación La Casa Grande de Valencia
First shelter, information, counseling, basic and digital skills training, Spanish classes.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00, Monday and Wednesday from 16:00 to 19:00.
Phone number: 96 346 33 74
info@lacasagrande.org -
Information and orientation, legal counseling, psychological care, social support and shelter, asylum and international protection.
Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 09:00 to 14:00; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 15:00 to 18:00
Phone number: 963 49 69 77 / 963 496 977 -
Valencia Acoge
Information and social orientation, legal advice, social and job support, asylum and international protection, access to accommodation, psychosocial care, language courses.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00; Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 to 20:00
Phone number: 963 66 01 68
valencia.acull@redacoge.org -
Legal counseling for asylum and international protection applications
Phone number: 963 92 54 44 -
Jarit Asociación Civil
Psychological care, legal counseling, social and labor counseling, workshops, training courses.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00; Monday to Thursday from 17:00 to 20:00
Phone number: 96 380 50 76 -
Uhuru - Colectivo de gente Negra, Afrodescendiente y Africana en Valencia.
Initial shelter, social, administrative and psychological support.
Phone number: 685527050
uhuruvaencia@gmail.com -
CEAR País Valencià
Initial shelter, asylum application - international protection, legal advice, social and psychological care, language classes.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00
Phone number: 963 16 24 77
cearpv@cear.es -
FISAT (Fundación Ángel Tomás)
Psychological care, legal and administrative advice.
Phone number: 697231937
alraso.valenciasjb@fisat.es -
Psicólogos Sin Fronteras
Psychological therapy and free psychological care.
Monday to Friday 10:30 to 14:30 and 16:30 to 20:30.
Phone number: 665828633
psf@psicologossinfronteras.org -
CEPAIM Valencia
Shelter and international protection, accommodation, legal advice and social support.
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday: in the morning from 9h to 14h and from 16h to 20h. / Tuesday: in the afternoon from 16.30h to 18.30h
Phone number: 96 392 53 02
valencia@cepaim.org -
Shelter and support, legal advice, training, food and clothes distribution and residential services.
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:30; Friday from 09:00 to 14:00
Phone number: 963 91 92 05
caritasvalencia@caritas.es -
Por Ti Mujer
Advice to migrant women: family reunification, legal advice, renewal of residency cards and other administrative procedures.
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 10:00 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 18:00, Friday from 10:00 to 14:00
Phone number: 963 47 67 74
contacto@asociacionportimujer.org -
Lambda València
Information for the LGTBQIA+ community, rapid HIV test.
Phone number: 963 342 191
FISAT (Fundación Ángel Tomás)
Alraso program: psychological care, legal and administrative advice (immigration, health, census, etc.).
Phone number: 647 812 091
alraso.alicante@fisat.es -
ASTI - Secretariado Diocesano de Migración
Legal and social counseling, job exchange.
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 14:00
Phone number: 664 36 74 92 / 664 367 534
secretariado.migracion@asti-alicante.org -
Asylum and international protection, shelter, accommodation, legal advice and social support.
Monday to Thursday: in the morning from 08.30h to 15h. In the afternoon from 16h to 19h.
Phone number: 637 278 693
alicante@cepaim.org -
Information and orientation for migrants, legal counseling, psychological care, social support and shelter.
Phone number: 965 899 752
e-mail: alicante@accem.es -
Health care, social assistance, accommodation, food, document processing, employment, clothes and hairdressing services.
Phone number: 965 140901
info@acomar.es -
Support and orientation - asylum and international protection.
Phone number: 965928533 / 611038986
adecop@adecop.org -
Asociación Karam
Support for migrants. Spanish classes. Support classes for children.
Phone number: 696241768 / 690784791
colectivokaram@gmail.com -
Asociación La Sal de la Tierra
Soup kitchen and information point.
Phone number: 965 254 476 / 659 078 307
alicante@lasaldelatierra.org -
Shelter and support, legal counseling, training, food and clothes distribution and residential resources.
Opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00
Phone number: 96 511 48 36
info@caritasoa.orgC/ Granja de Rocamora, 18, 03015, Alicante. -
For children, school support, Spanish classes, school supplies, clothes and shoes.
Phone number: 965296786 / 606238985
Cáritas Castellón
Shelter and support, legal counseling, training, food and clothes distribution and residential resources.
Phone number: 964220477
info@caritasoa.org -
ACCEM Castellón
Information and orientation for migrants, legal counseling, psychological care, social support and shelter.
Phone number: 964 296 969 - 864 990 913
castello@accem.es -
AMUINCA - Asociación de Mujeres Inmigrantes de Castellón
Support for migrant women.
Phone number: 661946204
amuinca@gmail.com -
Information and orientation about integration for Senegalese people.
Phone number: 964067121
In this map you can find free resources for migrant people in Madrid.
They offer Spanish classes. Write an email to estudiarenasilim@asilim.org or go to their local to ask for more information.
Legal advice for refugees. Ask for an appointment.
Phone number: +34 915327478 -
La Merced Migraciones
Legal advice and professional training for refugees and migrants.
Mornings and afternoons.
Phone number: +34 913 55 55 50 -
San Carlos Borromeo
Church in Entrevías, Madrid, with a long tradition of supporting migrants and people in vulnerable situations.
Phone number: +34-914778578 Fx. 914778399
Phone number: +34-676058347
Web: https://www.sancarlosborromeo.org/ -
Observatorio de Derechos Humanos Samba Martine
Fridays from 18:00- 20:00 -
CEPI Arganzuela
Phone number: 91 365 67 02
They offer spanish classes, practical courses for access to employment, school support and various informative workshops. Recommended legal advisory service.You have to call to make an appointment and find out the schedules for each activity and service.
**It is recommended to consult the information on the websitesince the programming changes every month :
cepiarganzuela@fundacionaltius.org -
CEAR (Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado)
Legal advice for migrants and refugees. Ask for an appointment
Phone number: +34 91 555 06 98
Fax. +34-91 555 54 16 -
Legal advice for refugees and migrants.
Phone number: +34-915 98 51 56 -
Pueblos Unidos
Legal advice for refugees and migrants.
Phone number: +34-917 32 06 91 -
Mundo en Movimiento
Support for people in detention in the Aluche´s CIE (Immigrant Detention Center in Madrid)
(e-mail : info@mundoenmovimiento.org)
web: https://www.mundoenmovimiento.org/ -
Reception, legal assistance, labor orientation, food and clothes.
Phone number: +34-9155 31873 / +34-915531503 -
Samur Social
Accommodation, social assistance.
Phone number: +34-914802020 -
Aplec Inclusión + Igualdad
Social support. Psychological care. Gender violence. Sexual assaults. HIV. And Training. Ask for an appointment.
Phone number: +34-639902518
https://aplec-i.org/ -
Fundación Manuel María Vicuña
They have a job bank. In order to sign up you need to contact them in advance.
Phone numbers: 91 446 94 66 / 630 61 40 76
https://fundacionmanuelmariavicuna.org -
For LGBTQIA+ people: Legal consultation, reception, support in the asylum process, Spanish-classes.
Opening-Hours: from monday-friday 9:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 19:00
Phone number: +34-915 211 174.
psocial@kifkif.info -
Apoyo Positivo
Legal consultation, reception and support for LGBTQIA+ migrants. Ask for an appointment.
Phone number: +34-913581444
Web: https://apoyopositivo.org/ -
Fundación Raíces
For minors
Defending the rights of unaccompanied minors, accompanying minors, helping with asylum applications.
Phone number: +34 91 388 27 70
http://www.fundacionraices.org -
Salud Entre Culturas
General medical assistance. HIV. Chagas. Viral Hepatitis. Psychological care. Translation and Cultural mediation. Open for visits every morning and every afternoon until 17:00 or contact via WhatsApp.
Phone number: +34-622042564
E-mail: info@saludentreculturas.es
web: https://www.saludentreculturas.es/
Castilla y León
Resources for migrant population, a guide by the Valladolid City Council (in Spanish): download here.
Centro de Atención al Inmigrante (CAI)
Shelter service for homeless people
Phone number: +34 983 344 343
cai@ava.es -
Accem Valladolid
Legal advice and support against discrimination
Phone number: +34 983 539 906
valladolid@accem.es -
Cruz Roja Valladolid
Phone number: +34 983132828
valladolid@cruzroja.es -
Fundación Cepaim
Phone number: +34 637 763 255
Fundación Cepaim
Administrative and legal services
From Monday to Friday.
Phone numbers: +34 661 260 040 / +34 662 000 627
Burgos Acoge
Legal advice, general information, temporary accommodation, Spanish classes and professional training.
Phone number: +34 947 232303
Barcelona city
Migrant-led organisations
Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes
C/ d’En Roig 13. 08001 Barcelona / Metro Liceu
Self-organized collective of migrant street vendors in defense of social and labor rights. -
C/Santa Dorotea 9 08004 Barcelona / Metro Espanya
E-mail: tallerintervencionescriticas@gmail.com
Talks, workshops, psychological and social work counseling, LGBTQIA+Legal support from the legal antirracist network. Contact via email: legal.tictac@gmail.com
Information, legal advice, and general support
Servicio de Atención a Inmigrantes, Extranjeros y Refugiados (SAIER)
C/Tarragona, 141. 08014 Barcelona / Metro Tarragona
Tel.: +34 932 56 27 00
Link for appointments: https://seuelectronica.ajuntament.barcelona.cat/oficinavirtual/es/tramit/20190001308
Local public service: Social assistance independent of the legal situation, legal counseling (also for documentation), specific attention for asylum seekers, training and language courses. -
C/Sant Pau, 80. 08001 Barcelona / Metro Drassanes o Paral·lel
Tel.: +34 934 87 38 16
E-mail: barcelona@cepaim.org
Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 09:00-14:00
Accommodation for asylum seekers and people in vulnerable situations, asylum and shelter. -
Comissió Catalana d'Ajuda al Refugiat (CCAR)
Tel.: +34 933 01 25 39
First reception, legal advice for asylum seekers, training, employment support, translation, asylum and shelter.
http://www.ccar.cat -
Fundació Migrastudium
Tel.: +34 934 120 934
Support for prisoners in the CIE in Barcelona, clothing, Spanish classes and job training, social support. -
Comunidad de Sant Egidio
Tel.: +34 934 41 81 23
Language courses. -
Emergència Frontera Sud Barcelona
Meeting place: Fridays from 17h to 19h.
Casal de Barri del Raval: C/ Reina Amàlia, 31. 08001 Barcelona / Metro Paralel
E-mail: emergencia.fs.bcn@gmail.com
Twitter: @emergenciafsB
Self-organized project that assists people arriving in Barcelona, helps with administrative procedures and provides them access to basic rights through resources in the city.
Shelter and basic needs
Centro de urgencias y emergencias sociales de Barcelona (CUESB)
Tel.: +34 900 703 030
Open 24 hours
Emergency shelter, social and health care, food. -
Arrels Fundació
Tel.: +34 934 41 29 90
Basic social care for homeless people, showers and health care. Lockers to store personal belongings. -
Centro de Acogida Nocturno de Emergencias (CANE)
Tel.: +34 900 703 030
Emergency shelter. Only open during the coldest weeks of winter (access through CUESB) -
Centre Heura
Tel.: +34 933 28 32 94
Shelter and social care for homeless people. Food distribution and showers. -
Gimnasio Social Sant Pau
Tel.: + 34 933 29 79 13
E-mail: info@gimnassocialsantpau.com
Showers. -
Tel.: + 34 933 44 16 50
Social assistance, financial support for accommodation, training courses. -
Refugees Welcome
Rambla del Raval, 34. 08003 Barcelona / Metro Paralel
Tel.: +34 644 590 339
E-mail: administracio@refugees-welcome.es
Assisting people aslyum seekers searching accommodation in shared houses.
Do you find yourself sleeping in the street? All these are public shelters.
Centro de primera acogida Zona Franca
Tel.: + 34 932 89 69 07
A referral by social services (SAIER) is necessary. -
Centro Residencial de primera acogida Nou Barris
Centro Residencial de primera acogida Nou Barris
Tel.: + 34 932 76 05 39
A referral by social services (SAIER) is necessary.
Also social care and day care centers, etc.
Every day, from 20h to 8h. -
Centro Residencial de primera acogida Sant Gervasi
Centro Residencial de primera acogida Sant Gervasi
Tel.: + 34 932 76 05 39
Only for women. A referral by social services (SAIER) is necessary.
Social kitchens
Comedor social "La Terrasseta"
Only dinners served.
Tel.: +34 932 19 41 61
E-mail: menjadorterrasseta@bcn.cat
3 days of free access, then by referral from social services (SAIER) -
Comedor social "Paral·lel"
Only lunch served.
Tel.: +34 934 41 62 12
3 days of free access, then by referral from social services (SAIER). -
Comedor social "Navas"
Only lunch served.
Tel.: +34 933 51 72 20
3 days free access, then by referral from social services (SAIER). -
Comedor social "Cor de Maria"
Only lunch served
Tel.: +34 934 57 89 26 -
Comedor Reina de la Paz
Breakfast from Monday to Sunday from 10.15 to 11.15h. Thursdays closed.
Comedor solidario Gregal
Opening hours: From Monday to Friday from 13 to 15h.
(L4) 7, 136, 143, V31, B20, B23
Tel.: +34 93 463 61 72 -
Parroquia Santa Ana
Tel.: +34 933 01 35 76
Opening hours: From Monday to Saturday
Breakfast from 8 to 10h, lunch from 12 to 14h and dinner from 18 to 20h
For women and LGBTQIA+
Mujeres Pa'lante
C/ Villarroel 10, bajos. Barcelona / Metro Sant Antoni
Tel.: +34 93 106 7222 / +34 653 367 983
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 10h-14h / 17h-20hC/ Cuba 2-6, 1er piso, oficina 2B. / Metro Onze de Setembre o Fabra i Puig.
Tel.: +3493 312 2168
Only with appointments.L’Hospitalet de Llobregat / Metro Collblanc
C/ Creu Roja, 8. Local.
Tel.: +34 93 263 3765
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 11h-14h / 17h-20h
Specialized legal counseling, psychological care, social and work counseling, training. -
Tel.:+34 931 63 04 42
E-mail: aomicat@hotmail.com
Facebook: Asociación Mujeres Migrantes en Cataluña
Information, training. Only with appointments. -
t.i.c.t.a.c. (taller de intervenciones críticas transfeministas antirracistas combativas)
E-mail: tallerintervencionescriticas@gmail.com
Talks, workshops, psychological and social work counseling, LGBTQIA+ -
Tel.. 931 931 353
E-mail: acathi@acathi.org
Counseling for LGBTQIA+ migrants and asylum seekers
For young and unaccompanied minors
Centro de día Daar Chabab
Tel.: + 34 935 18 84 86
Social and health care for young homeless migrants. Lockers where you can leave your belongings. Food. -
Comisaria Mossos d'Esquadra
Police station. If you are unacompanied minor and want to be under State care, go there to be referred to foster care services.
Tel.: +34 935 54 27 00
Legal advice
Tel.: +34 93 481 27 20
Office from the major union CCOO. Advice for migrants, international movement and social and labor rights for migrants. -
Bages per a tothom
Tel.: 93 872 35 00
E-mail: info@aibpt.org, bagespertothom@hotmail.com
Legal counseling -
Espai de Defensa Legal
E-mail: espaidefensalegal@gmail.com
Legal assistance (Tuesdays, 10 to 12)
Assistance for young migrants with an anti-racist perspective.
Bicycle and carpentry workshop (Monday, from 11h to 14h, Thursday, from 11:30 to 14h)
Language classes (Monday from 18:30 to 20h)
Shelter and basic needs
Caritas Manresa
Tel.: +34 938 72 15 42
Cruz Roja Manresa
Tel.: +34 938 72 56 44
E-mail: manresa@creuroja.org
For minors
Espai Jove
Tel.: +34 638 26 71 24 (ask for appointment on WhatsApp)
E-mail: ejove@ajmanresa.cat
Service from Manresa city council with focus on young migrants. -
Espai Alqwa
Tel.: +34 638 26 71 24 (ask for appointment on WhatsApp)
E-mail: ejove@ajmanresa.cat
Service from Manresa city council with focus on young migrants.
For women and LGBTQIA+
SAI Manresa
SAI (Servicio de Atención integral LGTBIQ+) is a public office.
Tel.: +34 93 875 23 10
E-mail: sai@ajmanresa.cat
Opening hours: from Monday to Friday from 9h to 14h. Monday and Thursday from 15h to 19h.
Support for LGTBI people in cases of discrimination -
SAI Bages
SAI (Servicio de Atención Integral LGTBIQ+) is a public office.
Tel.: +34 93 693 03 63 (appointment here required)
E-mail: sai@ccbages.cat
Assistance, information and personal advice, assistance with filing complaints about discrimination, healthcare card management. -
SIAD Manresa
Tel.: +34 93 875 23 10
E-mail: siad@ajmanresa.cat
Information and care for women and assistance for women’s organizations. -
SIAD Bages
Tel.: +34 93 693 03 63 (for appointments)
E-mail: dona@ccbages.cat
Information, awareness-raising and care for women -
Escuela SOROR
Opening hours: Tuesday from 9.30h to 11.30h and Thursday from 15h to 16.30h.
E-mail: escoladedones@gmail.com
School of support and gathering of women.
Legki Yakaru - Associació de Dones Subsaharianes de Banyoles
Tel.: 602 881 484
E-mail: legkiyakaru@gmail.com
Space of the organization of subsaharan african women
Ànima Mater
Tel.: 612 55 65 24
E-mail: am@animamater.org
Political advocacy and assistance for young migrants.
Girona city
Carrer Santa Eugènia, 146. 17006 Girona
Tel.: 677684132
First shelter, catalán and spanish language courses, labor assistance. -
Social Project 4.0
Tel.: 624 161 499
E-mail: info@socialproject.cat
Job market integration of migrants and young unaccompanied migrants, support with administrative processes. -
Girona Acull
Tel.: 623 478 731
E-mail: info@gironaacull.com
Platform of organizations working in defense of the rights of migrants and refugees.
Càritas Portbou
Tel.: 618 455 347
E-mail: portbou@caritasgirona.cat
Shelter, clothing, food near the French border.
Espai Antirracista de Salt
Instagram account
Political organization for migrants and racialised people
Tarragona city
Red antirracista de Tarragona
Political organization for migrants and racialised people -
Cáritas Tarragona
Tel.: 877449866, 977540381
Legal counseling, food, shelter for homeless people. -
Quilòmetre Zero
E-mail: associacio@quilometrezero.cat
Tel.: 608685581
Assistance for migrants, mentoring program and assistance for young people -
Stop Mare Mortum Tarragona
E-mail: stopmaremortum-tgn@hotmail.com
Political advocacy
Atzavara Arrels
E-mail: info@atzavara-arrels.org
Tel.: 649 644 874 / 672 328 206 (also whatsapp)
Catalán and Spanish language courses, labour assistance.
Lleida city
Shelter and basic needs
Apip-acam Lleida
Tel.: 681190940
First shelter, asylum and international protection -
Arrels Sant Ignasi
Tel.: 973 289 000
E-mail: info@arrelssantignasi.cat
Open center with showers and first shelter for migrant people, also provides alphabetization lessons. -
Càritas Diocesana Lleida
Tel.: 973 283 081
E-mail: caritasdiocesana@caritaslleida.net
Labor assistance, legal counseling for migrants. -
Parròquia de Santa Teresa
Warm food two times every day
Lleida pels refugiats
Tel.: 669 44 83 82 / 678 23 74 62
E-mail: lleidapelsrefugiats@gmail.com
Grassroots project, awareness-raising, food and clothing exchange point in Lleida.
Political organisations
Fruita amb justicia social
E-mail: fruitaambjusticia@gmail.com
Support for day workers in fruit picking. -
Ateneu La Baula
Horizontalist political organisation -
Colors de ponent
Tel: 688 96 28 06
E-mail: colorsdeponent@colorsdeponent.cat
Support and political organisation for the LGBTQIA+ community
Minors without legal tutor - dxfamilia.politicasocial@xunta.gal
Rederefuxiadas - Rede Galega en apoio ás persoas Refuxidas
Refugee/migrant information and support.
In several cities and villages: Santiago, Vigo, Ferrol, A Coruña, Ribeira, etc.
Phone number: +34 616 87 18 86
http://rederefuxiadas.blogspot.com/?fbclid=IwAR1A_7EvkaOFWf-DhnWboh7I6w7VxCQ4xP5cYXSqPObvhAJMYeUc25TszF8 -
A Coruña
A Coruña
010 is an information service of A Coruña. A free number that gives information about the city and its services.
Free WiFi in all public libraries.-
Aga Ucraina
Legal orientation, assistance with job integration, shelter
Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 14.00h
https://www.agaucraina.org/ -
Ecos do Sur
Legal assistance, pre-employment and job orientation, Spanish classes, health program (support with health services), psychological support, intercultural mediation, support for mothers, support for victims of trafficking, international protection.
Phone number: +34 881 965 692
E-mail: ong@ecosdosur.org / consultas@ecosdosur.org -
Spanish classes, emergency shelter, legal assistance, psychological care, international protection.
Phone number: +34 981.16.88.97
galicia@accem.es -
Support with mediation, school support, intercultural mediation, pre-employment and job guidance, training.
Phone number: +34 881 88 94 60
www.viraventos.org -
SOS Racismo
Legal advice, intercultural mediation, training, literacy, office for reporting racist or xenophobic discrimination.
Phone number: +34 881 963 797/ +34 698 163 742
E-mail: info@sosracismogalicia.org -
Cruz Roja Española
Legal assistance, intercultural mediation, support for women, support for minors, training, job orientation, pre-employment orientation, help in emergency situations, international protection.
Phone number: +34 981 22 10 00
coruna@cruzroja.es -
Unidad de Asesoramiento a las Migraciones - UAMI
Public service
Legal assistance, job orientation, school support, information.
Phone number: +34 981 184 364
uami@coruna.es -
Ecodesarrollo Gaia
Spanish classes, training, shelter and first information.
Phone number: +34 629 81 75 81
https://ecodesarroiogaia.org/ -
Equus Zebra
Spanish classes, job orientation, legal support, food distribution.
Phone number: +34 881 898 930
https://www.facebook.com/ongequuszebra/ -
Juan Soñador – Programa Teranga
Spanish classes, job orientation, training, intercultural mediation, Galician classes.
Phone numbers: +34 981 102 978 / :+34 607 577 395
https://fundacionjuans.org/teranga-galicia/ -
ONG SenValos
Spanish classes, intercultural mediation, job orientation, legal support, psychological care.
Phone number: +34 981 905 977
https://senvalos.org/ -
Search for basic resources/employment, mediation/conciliation, family mediation, and other services.
Phone number: +34 625 12 62 35
https://poten100mos.org/ -
Training, Spanish classes, assistance in emergency situations.
Phone number: +34 981 26 98 39
http://www.caritascoruna.org/ -
Emergency shelter, food distribution, Spanish classes, clothes distribution.
Phone number: +34 981 24 92 21
http://renacercoruna.org/ -
Padre Rubinos
Showers, food, emergency shelter, clothes distribution, laundry.
Phone number: +34 981 90 11 22
http://www.padrerubinos.org/ -
Cocina Económica
Food (breakfast and lunch), showers, laundry.
Phone number: +34 981224141
https://www.cocinaeconomica.org/ -
Comité Anti-Sida da Coruña (CASCO)
Emergency shelter, food (breakfast and lunch), clothes distribution, intercultural mediation, sex point, laundry.
Phone number: +34 981 14 41 51 / Tel.:+34 698 14 02 51
E-mail: comicasco@hotmail.es / comicasco@gmail.com
http://www.cascocoruna.com/ -
Ejército de Salvación
Food and clothes distribution, breakfast, laundry and showers.
Phone number: +34-981 260 098
www.ejercitodesalvacion.es -
Biblioteca de la Sagrada Familia
Free Spanish classes.
Phone number: +34 981 18 43 92
http://www.coruna.gal/bibliotecas/es/actividades/formacion/espanol-para-personas-extranjeras?argIdioma=es -
Centro Eduardo Pondal
Spanish classes, Galician classes, literacy classes.
Phone number: +34 881 960 901
http://www.edu.xunta.gal/centros/epaeduardopondal/ -
Fundación Mujeres
For women
Business support, counseling for women, information on labor rights, support for care workers.
Phone number: +34-981 294 097
https://www.fundacionmujeres.es -
For women
Support for women in situations of violence, mediation/conciliation, psychological care, emergency accommodation for gender violence, etc.
Phone number: +34 981 18 43 56
Santiago de Compostela
Médicos del Mundo
Access to health rights.
Phone number: +34-981 57 81 82
galicia@medicosdelmundo.org -
Movimiento por la Paz - MPDL
Legal advice, training, pre-employment support and job search, assistance to women, advice on self-employment, international protection.
Phone number: 981 80 16 22
https://www.facebook.com/mpdlgalicia/ -
Asociación de migrantes de Galicia - AMIGA
Legal counseling, intercultural mediation, job orientation and mediation, first shelter.
Phone number: +34 644 09 63 24 (appointment required)
E-mail: info@amiga.gal
https://amiga.gal/ -
Fundación Ronsel
Job counseling, socio-legal support.
Phone number: +34-881 087 241
https://fundacionronsel.org/ -
Job counseling.
Phone number: +34-981 55 44 33 -
Fundación Amigos de Galicia
Job counseling, legal counseling, psychological care, school support, coverage of digital needs.
Phone number: 981 576 034 / 610 475 763
https://www.fundacionamigosdegalicia.org/ -
Cruz Roja
Job counseling.
Phone number: +34-981 58 69 69
E-mail: santiago@cruzroja.es
Asociacion de Movilidad Humana - Galicia
Support for displaced people and women.
Phone number: +34 881 93 20 69
Website -
Cruz Roja Española
Training, orientation, emergency support.
Phone number: 981 35 53 03
Cruz Roja Española
Legal advice, training, distribution of food and clothes, etc.
Phone number: +34 982 231 613
https://www.cruzroja.es/principal/web/provincial-lugo/integracion-inmigrantesAvenida de Madrid, Lugo. -
Shelter, assistance, training, clothes distribution, etc.
Phone number: +34 982 242 009
https://www.caritaslugo.es/ -
Fundación Amigos de Galicia
Job counseling, legal counseling, psychological care, school support, coverage of digital needs.
Phone number: 677 884 748
https://amigosdegalicia.org/contacto -
Asociación Rioplatenses de Lugo
Advice and orientation, general information
Facebook -
Información a inmigrantes y emigrantes retornados
Public service
Legal counseling, training guidance, social emergency, etc.
Opening hours from 9.00h to 14.00h (by appointment)
Phone number: +34 982 297 370
Asociación Cantaclaro
Information on arrival, training, cultural activities, shelter support.
Phone number: +34 685 88 44 38
Fundación Amigos de Galicia
Job counseling, legal counseling, psychological care, school support, coverage of digital needs.
Phone number: +34 678 92 03 87
https://amigosdegalicia.org/contacto -
Juan Soñador - Programa Teranga
Training, social and job orientation.
Phone number: +34-988 511 674 /+34- 636 964 509
terangaou@fundacionjuans.org -
Collective of migrants and women
Phone number: +34-988613822 / +34-698131032
Website -
Programa de Inmigrantes y Emigrantes Retornados
Public service
Legal assistance, resources
From Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:00h
Phone number: +34 988 392 909 (only by appointment)
ssociais.migracions@ourense.es -
Cruz Roja Ourense
Phone number: +34-988 222 484
Asociación de Migrantes de Galicia - AMIGA
Legal counseling, intercultural mediation, job orientation and mediation, first shelter.
Phone number: +34 686 651 036 (only by appointment)
https://amiga.gal/ -
Information on rights, training, job orientation, first shelter.
Phone number: +34 986 101 116 / + 34 698 124 762
https://boavida.org/ -
Fundación Amigos de Galicia
Job counseling, legal counseling, psychological care, school support, coverage of digital needs.
Phone number: +34 661 777 352
Legal support, help with accommodation, international protection.
Phone number: +34 986 519 106
https://www.provivienda.org/contacto/ -
Diversidades Acolle
Shelter, intercultural mediation, legal counseling, training, international protection.
Phone number: +34 604 02 82 47
http://diversidades.org/ -
Fundación Juan Soñador - Programa Teranga
Training, job and social orientation, intercultural mediation.
Phone number: +34 886 116 485 / +34 677 924 668
https://fundacionjuans.org/teranga-galicia/ -
Spanish classes, emergency shelter, legal assistance, psychological care, international protection.
Phone number: +34 886 90 67 98
E-mail: galicia@accem.es -
Oficina municipal de información a inmigrantes y emigrantes retornados
Public service
Legal counseling, information, intercultural mediation.
From 9h to 14h, from Monday to Friday.
Phone number: +34 986 442 356
Asturias Acoge
Whatsapp: +34 691584228
Tel.: +34-985203992
E-mail: asacoge@gmail.com
Monday to Thursday from 16:30 to 20:00
Legal and social counseling
Pasaje Seguro
Political action, informal support for migrants
Phone numbers: +34 650 14 95 81 / +34 610 42 29 01 / +34 626 11 68 18
Web: https://cantabria.pasajeseguroya.org/
SOS Racismo Nafarroa
Anti-racist association that promotes the defence of equal rights and the fight against all forms of discrimination.
Phone number: +34 948 211 521
https://sosracismo.eu/sos-racismo-nafarroa/ -
PIM - Punto de Información para personas Migradas (Information Point for Migrants)
The Migrant Information Point is a welcoming space, a meeting point for organisations and individuals working to build a society in which all people have the same rights and opportunities no matter where they come from. They offer general information and recommend contacts where you can get advice depending on your situation.
Every Monday from 6pm to 7pm
https://pim-mig.info/ -
Kideak is a service based on social guidance and mentoring that aims to help young migrants 18-23 years of age to achieve integral development. All participants are mentored and receive guidance and training. Accommodation can also be provided.
Phone number: +34 848 42 13 22
País Vasco / Euskadi / Border to France
Gipuzkoa / Guipúzcoa
Irungo Harrera Sarea
Red de Apoyo de Irun
Daily night stay (21:00-23:30) at the train-bus station in Irun. Welcome and first reception: Explanation on how to get to the Red Cross facility for migrants in transit and/or take them there (2km away).
Daily information point: Plaza San Juan, in front of the Town Hall 10:00-12:00. Practical information about the border, transport and resources in the French state. Information on official resources.
Cloakroom: Access to suitable clothing to continue the journey (next to the information point).
Instagram: @irungo.harrera.sarea
Facebook: Irungo Harrera Sarea / Red de Apoyo de Irun
Phone numbers: +34 610760314 / +34652752461 -
Cruz Roja
Temporary humanitarian reception centre.
24-hour reception facility for migrants in transit who have entered Europe from the south of the mainland, the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla and have been in Spain for less than one year.
Maximum overnight stay: approximately three nights.
(Access criteria is not public)
Approx. 2km from the station.
Signposted with green steps on the ground from the bus station to the reception centre.
Malen Etxea
For women
General advice and training.
Phone numbers: +34 943 576095 / +34 653 729 117 / +34 688 641 917
SOS Racismo
Legal information and advice. Travel information. Contact with support networks.
Calle Pablo Iglesias 11, 2º piso.
Phone number: +34-658749756
sosracismogipuzkoa.org -
Centro Municipal de Acogida Social “Gaztelutxo”
Local Reception Centre
Accommodation for people who are passing through the city. Maximum stay of three days, accommodation cannot be requested again for a month. Information and welcome, meals and hygiene.
Phone number: +34 943 51 18 03
San Sebastián / Donostia
Abegi Etxea (CMAS)
Local temporary shelter
The stay is for three days every three months. Before going to the place it is best to call to ask if there is a place available. This is a temporary shelter for people who are in the city but do not have accommodation or the financial means to do so.
Phone number: 943326480.
Red Ciudadana de Acogida
Attention to migrants in transit to other European countries, information on official resources, temporary reception, useful information for continuing the journey.
Instagram: @harrerasarea -
SOS Racismo
Information and advice on immigration legislation. Information on the journey and contact with support networks.
Phone number: +34 943 321811.
Web: https://sosracismogipuzkoa.org/ -
Cruz Roja San Sebastián
Red Cross provide clothing, showers, food, emergency medical assistance.
Phone number: +34-943 22 22 22
Where to find Cruz Roja: http://www.cruzroja.es/principal/web/provincial-gipuzkoa/donde-estamos -
Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia de Amara
Reception centre with 25 beds, social canteen (breakfast, lunch and dinner), hygiene, health care, and laundry. Referrals are made through Caritas or the Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa. There are centres in Aterpe and Hotzaldi. An interview at Cáritas is required to access.
GAUEKO Aterpea
Night shelter service. They are referred by the SMUS. Tickets are collected on Tuesdays at the SMUS. In general, the service is open from 8 pm until 9 am the following day.
Phone number: +34 943 48 38 49 / +34 943 483 849
More info: website. -
SMUS (Servicio Municipal de Urgencia Social)
If a person has just arrived in Donostia, the first thing to do is to notify them in this space. They are all social workers and follow-up appointments can be made.
If a person has been living on the street (in Donostia) for more than three months, it is advisable to keep any proof (shower ticket, shopping ticket, bus ticket, etc…) because from the third month onwards, social workers can be asked to visit the space where the person is sleeping and because of their situation they are allowed to legally register in the City Council.
More info: website.
Phone number: 943 48 38 49 -
Low-demand day centre for people in a situation of serious residential exclusion, or who find themselves in the street. You can access this resource without an appointment and ask for help from the educators.
Phone number: 943 467 967
More info: website.
Bizkaia / Vizcaya
Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak
Legal advice and information on institutional resources, cultural activities and Spanish classes.
Mornings: Monday to Friday from 11.30am to 1:30pm.
Afternoons: Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 8pm. -
Sim Romi
Roma Women's Association
Roma Women’s Association
Phone number: +34 609271992
Facebook: facebook.com/gitanassimromi -
Proyecto Maitesuma - Adoratrices
For women
Social care for women in vulnerable situations
Phone number: +34 944731920
maitesumabilbao@adoratrices.com -
Servicio Municipal de Urgencias Sociales (SMUS)
Shelter, food and other social services
Phone number: +34 94 47 01 460
Monday to Friday: 9-13h and 16-20h -
Abya Yala
Cultural association for the empowerment of migrants through art
Phone number : +34 653 17 94 96
Imazighen association of Bizkaia
Amazigh association providing general advice, trainings, cultural exchanges.
Facebook: facebook.com/agharasamazigh
Phone number: 679 64 65 93
In this chapter you will find contacts of organisations/associations all over Spain that can support you. You will first find national contacts of big organisation with offices in the whole country. Than we listed contacts in Ceuta and Melilla as well as in the Spanish islands. Afterwords you find contacts in all regions in mainland Spain, starting from the south to the north. If you don’t find one in your city look for one that is close to you or call the national organizations. If no one picks up the phone, try again later. Some organizations only work during the morning hours, most of them have a pause between 14h and 17h and they don’t usually work on weekends…
Remember:In several regions of the Spanish state, especially in Catalunya, The Basque Country and Galicia, there are diverse cultural identities and languages, and political struggles for autonomy and independence. It’s important to be aware and sensitive to this, since it is very important to a big part of the population.