
Last update : March 2025

Organisations providing assistance to asylum seekers and refugees in Lithuania.

Sienos Grupe (The Border Group)

ensures the rights of people on the move in Lithuania. It provides legal help and direct humanitarian assistance at the border area and inside the country, responding to the needs of people on the move regardless of their legal status. Besides that, they opened a community centre in Vilnius with open hours usually on Wednesdays.

Naugarduko g. 26-30, 03218 Vilnius
Instagram : @sienosgrupe

May 1st Labour Union (Gegužės pirmosios profesinė sąjunga - G1PS)

Local labour union which has experience working with migrant workers, provides consultations on labour rights in english, russian languages. Consultations are free of charge for all labour union members. G1PS organises among couriers, restaurant workers, art and text workers, game developers and other sectors. G1PS is active in many social justice struggles.
Instagram: @g.1.p.s

KOPŽI (Kovos su prekyba žmonėmis ir išnaudojimu centras) – Anti-trafficking organisation in Lithuania
Provides help to trafficking victims and exploited migrants. Provides shelter, mental, social healthcare, legal support and help finding employment.
8 671 32147

Organisations in charge of integration

The main organisations in charge of integration and helping asylum seekers are Red Cross and Caritas. Therefore they provide language courses, individual consultants, lawyers consultations (though the waiting times are long), psychologists’ consultations and can help with translations needs.
They have their centres in both Vilnius and Kaunas but Caritas is more focused on Vilnius while Red Cross is more focused on Kaunas. Both organisations are one way or another present in the Foreigners’ Registration Centre in Pabradė or in the Refugees’ Reception Centre in Rukla. They provide legal aid and social programs.
The Lithuanian Red Cross Society is in charge of border monitoring so if you have information of violations of the rights of those crossing the border or seeking asylum currently they should be the ones informed.

The Lithuanian Red Cross Society (Lietuvos Raudonojo Kryžiaus draugija - LRKD)
The Lithuanian Red Cross Society can be reached in English, Russian or Lithuanian.
Refugee program supervisor:
General mail:

Refugee Day centre in Kaunas
The Kaunas Center of the Lithuanian Red Cross, which provides assistance to citizens of third countries.
The social workers and employment specialist working here help visitors cope with the challenges of integration:
find a well-paid job in a short period of time, find and maintain housing, to continue Lithuanian language training,
understand our culture, traditions, find the place in our society and become a full member of it.

Legal, psychological and professional counseling, learning the Lithuanian language, attend civic orientation courses, and participate in community events.

Working hours of Kaunas center: I-F from 9:00 to 19:00
Tel.: +37065696766

Red Cross centre in Vilnius – consultations, legal and social help.
A.Juozapavičiaus 10A Vilnius, Lithuania.
(8-5) 262 8037

Info centre in Klaidpėda – consultations, legal and social help.
K. Donelaičio g. 21 a, Klaipeda, Lithuania.
(8-650) 55476

Lithuanian Caritas Foreignerns’ Integration Centre in Vilnius
They can be reached in English, Russian and Lithuanian. They also in some cases help with translations from English, Russian, Lithuanian, Arabic or Farsi. In the centre they provide consultations, legal, social help and integration programs.
Kalvarijų g. 39, Vilnius, Lithuania.
General number: (8-683) 46832
Current Foreigners’ program coordinator: Jolanta Belskienė +37067231152

MIPAS which is Plarform for Migration Information and Cooperation is a useful tool to follow up on the development of integration centres and of ther useful links.