
Organisations de droits de l’homme en Algérie

Dernière mise à jour : décembre 2019

Organisations de droits de l’homme en Algérie

We have no experience with thes organizations so far! If you can give us a feedback if it was useful or not, we would appreciate (contact(at)

Rights in Exile offers these contacts in Algeria:

Ligue Algérienne pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme (LADDH)
Facebook | Twitter
05, rue Saïd Ben-Larbi, 16000, Algerie
Tel / Fax : (+213) 021 73.95.20
Email :
Contact Person :
The Ligue Algérienne pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme (LADDH) is a non-political NGO that promotes Human Rights in Algeria. LADDH is a member of the Euromed Human Rights Network’s Migration and Asylum Working group.

Mr Wadie Meraghni, Lawyer

Mobile phone: 00 213 661 533 670
Fax: 00 213 21 657 456
Wadie Meraghni is a member at the Bar Association of Algiers and since 2010 he has collaborated with the UNHCR in defending refugees and asylum seekers. He defends refugees and asylum seekers who get arrested, and he supports them in jurisdictions when they are victims of aggressions. He also supports them in obtaining documents from the civil state, especially for children born in Algeria who encounter difficulties in obtaining birth certificates. Wadie Meraghni gives legal advice to refugees and asylum seekers to explain how they can assert their rights in Algeria. He is prepared to answer requests for information from lawyers who represent Algerian in other countries.