Conselho Português para os Refugiados
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FACECPR/
Tel: +351 21 83 14 372
Fax: +351 21 83 75 072
Email: geral@cpr.pt
Conselho Português para os Refugiados provide legal advice, help with finding housing and accessing social allowances. They also undertake training and professional integration services (especially with Portuguese language courses). -
Médicos do Mundo
Serviço Jesuíta a os Refugiados (Jesuit Refugee Service)
Rua 8 ao Alto do Lumiar, nº 59, 1750 Lisboa
Tel: + 351 21 75 52 790 or + 351 93 75 41 620
Fax: + 351 21 75 52 799
Email: jrs@jrsportugal.pt
The Jesuit Refugee Service is an international Catholic organization, whose mission is to accompany, advocate and serve the cause of refugees and immigrants who find themselves in a state of great human and social vulnerability. Since 1992 JRS in Portugal has been meeting the needs that surface among the immigrant and refugee population, to insure their reception and their full integration in areas like employment, training, language and psychological, social and legal support. It has been coordinating an accommodation center for homeless immigrants since 2006. -
Movimento SOS Racismo
Facebook | Twitter | YoutubeRua Dom Luis de Noronha, nº17-1ºesq | 1050-071 Lisboa (na zona da Fundação Gulbenkian)
Contact: https://www.sosracismo.pt/contactos
Email (Porto): porto@sosracismo.pt
Email (Lisbon): sosracismo@gmail.comSOS Racismo is a non-profit association that fights against racism in Portugal. The organization provides information and advice for people in situations of racism on how to exercise their rights. Besides helping in cases of racism, the association seeks to raise awareness about the theme and to create an equal society.
SOLIM Solidariedade imigrante
Email: solidariedade_imigrante@hotmail.com
Phone number: +351 218870713
Solim supports immigrants and provides for their insertion into Portuguese society. They offer support in when undocumented immigrants want to legalize their situation in the country.
Associação de Apoio ao Imigrante (Immigrant Support Association)
Contact: https://apoioimigrante.com/contactos/
Email: 968292490lb@gmail.com
Associação de Apoio ao Imigrante supports immigrants and provides for their insertion into Portuguese society. They offer support in when undocumented immigrants want to legalize their situation in the country, including translation and certification of documents. In addition, they provide social support to immigrants and help in their search for employment.
Association of Support to Brazilians in Situation of Immigration
Contact: https://www.portuando.pt//#Contato
The Associação de Apoio aos Brasileiros em Situação de Imigração, also called PORTUANDO, offers support for Brazilian migrants. They offer support in the areas of psychology, training and help in finding employment, as well as legal and tax advice.
National Support Centers for Migrant Integration
Centros Nacionais de Apoio à Integração de Migrantes - National Support Centers for Migrant Integration
Email: informacoes@acm.gov.pt
There are three National Support Centers for Migrant Integration. In Porto, Lisbon, and Algarve. The National Centers for the Integration of Migrants (CNAIM) were created by the government to support migrants. They offer different services, institutions, and support offices for migrants in one single space,
Av. de França, 316 Edifício Capitólio - 4050-276 Porto
Tel: 22 207 38 10
Fax: 22 207 38 17ALGARVE
Loja do Cidadão
Mercado Municipal, 1.º Piso, Largo Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro - 8000-151 FaroLISBOA
Rua Álvaro Coutinho, 14 - 1150 - 025 Lisboa
Fax: 21 810 61 17
In this section you will find usefull contacts from organisations and collectives for foreigners that are staying or passing in Portugal.
In many cities and towns, you can find groups and organisations who are active in solidarity with refugees and migrants. They offer social and legal support and most are a good place to find people who know how to self-organise. In the list below, you will first find the most recommended self-organized groups of refugees and migrants and several antiracist groups we know. Sometimes, you will find links to more specific initiatives concerning legal and medical aid as well as for labour and special treatment of unaccompanied minors. Furthermore, you can find contacts to more institutionalized NGOs that might be helpful. If you you had good experiences with certain groups and think they should be included in the web-guide or you see your own group is missing, you can get in touch via contact@w2eu.info.