
Last update : July 2023
  • Countrywide actors

    • Torture Victim Assistance

      Support for people that sufferede violence

      Support for foreign women and foreigners currently living in Poland

      • Those who have been subjected to violence directly or indirectly by representatives of the authorities*
        (in any country) and probably experienced torture.
      Telephone: 884 828 454 (Poland and English)

    • Alarm Phone Number

      emergency calls for humanitarian aid

      Humanitarian aid in the forest towards Polish.

      Warning phone number on the border between Poland and Belarus:
      +42 0723721543 (WhatsApp)

  • Warsaw

    • Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka

      Legal support

      Telephone: (48) 22 556 44 40
      Working hours: Phone call from Monday to Friday 10:00 to 14:00
      Website email contact with lawyers

    • Fundacja Ocalenie Warsaw

      Foreigners Assistance Center in Warsaw

      Legal assistance, psychological assistance, material assistance, support
      in finding accommodation, polish language courses

      Working hours: Monday - Friday 11:00 – 17:00

    • Centrum Wielokulturowe

      Centrum Wielokulturowe Legal counselling, polish language courses, career counselling

      Telephone: +48 22 648 11 11
      Hotline for Migrants: 505 700 701

    • Polskie Forum Migracyjne

      Psychological support, meetings with case workers, career counseling, integration counseling

      Telephone: 692-913-993

    • Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej

      Legal counseling, psychological support, translation support

      Legal counseling, psychological support, translation support, support
      for people in detention centers, refugee centers (special program for
      unaccompanied minors).

      Telephone: 880 145 372
      Working hours: Monday to Friday 15:00-16:00

  • Other cities and regions

    • NOMADA Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Integracji Społeczeństwa Wielokulturowego

      Legal support, monitoring and advocacy, intervention assistance.

      Telephone (Office): 71 307 03 35 (language: polish, english)

      Free counselling:
      (language: Polish, English, Russian, Arabic, French, Chinese)
      Telephone: +48 791 576 459 (language: polish, english)
      Working hours: 10.00 – 17.00

    • Stowarzyszenie Egala

      Support people in refugee centers and detention camps

      Cooperation in Bialystok and Podlaskie Province

    • Fundacja Ocalenie Łomża

      Foreigners Assistance Center in Łomża

      Legal assistance, psychological assistance, material assistance, support
      in finding accommodation, polish language courses.
      Working hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 – 16:00

    • Fundacja Ocalenie Łódź

      Foreigners Assistance Center in Łódź

      Legal assistance, psychological assistance, material assistance, support
      in finding accommodation, polish language courses
      Working hours:
      Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri.: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
      Tuesday: 11:00 – 19:00

    • Migrant Info Point

      Information and support for foreigners, counselling, polish language courses, career counselling, mentoring, integration
      Telephone: +48 503 979 758
      Working hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Friday 9:00 a.m.

      • 6:00 p.m.)
    • Centrum Wsparcia Imigrantów i Imigrantek Gdańsk

      Consultation, legal and psychological support, language classes

      Residental consultation, polish language courses, legal advice,
      professional consultation, psychological support, immigrant rights
      protection point.
      Working hours:
      Monday 09:00-20:00, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday 09:00-18:00, Friday 09:00-14:00

    • Centrum Wsparcia Imigrantów i Imigrantek Tczew

      consultation, legal and psychological support, language classes

      Centrum Wsparcia Imigrantów i Imigrantek
      Residental consultation, polish language courses, legal advice,
      professional consultation, psychological support, immigrant rights
      protection point.
      Telephone: +48 882 574 538
      Working hours: Monday - Saturday - 08:00 – 18:00