
Last update : February 2020

Medical assistance in Lithuania

Asylum seekers are entitled to free medical service only after submitting the application and if asylum is granted, during the integration period (12-18 months). Caritas and Red Cross in some cases provides help with translation for doctor visits.
After the integration program free medical assistance no longer remains available for temporary residents unless they are legally working. For refugees healthcare is provided as for any other Lithuanian citizen, which is free for students, employed, pensioners and those registered with the unemployment office. In other cases one has to pay for their own insurance, called PSD (in lt. Privalomasis sveikatos draudimas - engl. Compulsory Health Insurance) which is 6,98% of the minimum wage and in 2020 is 43,37 EUR per month.

All people are entitled to emergency care and have to be treated no matter their status. They can also ask for other services. The services are free if the insurance (PSD) is paid. If not then one can pay for emergency care after the procedures and for other procedures would be expected to be asked to pay in advance. Legally working migrant workers have either their insurance paid via the PSD insurance system through their employer or should have a private insurance witch should refund their healthcare costs.